The Household Support Fund was created to help those in need.

The Household Support Fund is not operated by any third parties on the council’s behalf, so please don’t fall prey to scams.

If anyone contacts you direct offering money this is not legitimate, the only way to apply for the fund is to contact the council direct as outlined below.

As more households have been affected by the rising cost of living and energy prices, we have introduced some guidance around support around your first application to help us in reaching as many households as possible. 

Households will be awarded an amount that will vary dependent on the make up of the household.
Priority is given to supporting Food and Fuel, however other household essentials can be considered.

The funding can be used for support / assistance with:

  • Food
  • Gas and electricity
  • Water

Additional support is available for the following:

  • Essential household items (white goods, small appliances)
  • Other essentials (warm clothing and bedding)

If you need support with essential household items or other essentials, please contact Customer Services on 01902 290241 (option 2) who will refer you to the relevant Community Organisation. 

The breakdown of the award is detailed below. In addition, where a trusted organisation/professional has assessed your needs, a secondary application can be submitted by them on your behalf.

Food Support

Where a household needs assistance with food, the following amounts will be awarded:

  • Single Adult: £25.00
  • Couple: £50.00
  • Addition for each child in household: £15.00

Fuel/energy Support

Where a household needs assistance with fuel, the following amounts will be awarded:

  • Single Adult: £40.00
  • Couple: £60.00
  • Addition for each child in household: £15.00


If you are a tenant of the following:

  • Wolverhampton Homes
  • Dovecotes TMO
  • Bushbury Hill EMB
  • New Park Village TMC

You will need to contact them first. These organisations have access to the Household Support Fund and can provide support.

If you are not a tenant of one of the organisations listed above, then please apply for the Household Support Fund by visiting is external)

Please note:

  • You will need your Council Tax reference number.
  • A recent copy (within the last 3 months) of the bank statement for the bank details used in your claim, this needs to be the bank account that your household bills come out of and clearly shows your name, address, account number and sort code.
  • Applications will be reviewed within 7-10 working days. If we respond requesting further information, you must respond to us within 5 days or your application will be closed. If your application is successful, payment will take 7-10 working days.

Are you missing out on any Social Security benefits?

It is estimated that up to £19 BILLION goes unclaimed in Social Security benefits each year. If you are finding it difficult to make ends meet, then it could be because you are not getting all the benefits you should. This could, in particular, be the case if you are over pension age or have health problems.


You can make sure you are not missing out by visiting Missing Benefits Assessment. All you then need do is complete the online form telling us about your financial and personal circumstance.


Alternatively you can call 07989 854392 or email sends email), to ask for a ‘missing benefits’ assessment and will arrange for one of our staff to contact you.

This project is funded by the UK Government.

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