The council's Education Excellence Service supports school leaders and teachers with school improvement and in leading City wide collaboration.


The vision of the City of Wolverhampton Council and the Education Excellence Service is to create an education system in Wolverhampton that promotes the very highest standards for all children and young people, closes the attainment gap and allows every pupil in Wolverhampton to reach their full potential. The Council celebrates an autonomous approach for schools to achieve these standards.


The Education Excellence Strategy sits at the heart of our plans to improve schools across the city and clearly outlines the process taken to support and challenge schools and to hold school leaders and governors to account for educational outcomes in their setting. Please view our Education Excellence Strategy in the Downloads section.

Service Structure

The Education Excellence team is led and managed by Phil Leivers and is made up of a number of teams whose work is aimed at facilitating and supporting school improvement with school leaders and includes:

  • School Improvement Advisors
  • Safeguarding Officer
  • Citizenship, Language Learning Team
  • Mathematics Advisory Teacher
  • School Improvement Advisor for Equalities
  • Early Years Team
  • School Governance Support
  • ECT Support (Appropriate Body)
  • Assessment and Moderation
  • Research and Assessment Team
  • Music Service

Ofsted Reports

Ofsted are changing the way they inspect and report on schools, for more information please visit Ofsted is changing how it inspects schools(link is external).