Our City: Our Plan sets out how the Council will continue to work alongside its local, regional, and national partners to improve outcomes for local people.

The plan sets out an ambition that ‘Wulfrunians will live longer, healthier lives.’ Delivery of this ambition will be supported by six overarching priorities: 

1. Strong families where children grow up well and achieve their full potential


  • Children have the best start in life and good early development
  • High quality education which closes the attainment gap
  • Children and young people grow up happy with good physical, social, mental health and wellbeing
  • Every young person in the city is equipped for adulthood with life skills and ready for work
  • Strengthen families where children need extra support or are at risk
2. Fulfilled lives for all with quality care for those that need it


  • Build a resilient and responsive Health and Social Care system
  • Maximise independence for people with care and support needs
  • Work as a system to make sure people get the right support at the right time
3. Healthy, inclusive communities


  • Support and protect the city and residents from communicable diseases by preventing, containing and managing outbreaks of infectious disease and reducing the transmission of sexually transmitted infections  
  • Improve healthy life expectancy
  • Help people live happier more active lives
  • Protect vulnerable people at risk of harm and exploitation
  • Inclusive, welcoming communities where people feel safe and look out for each other
4. Good homes in well-connected neighbourhoods


  • Work together to deliver more new homes
  • Safe and healthy homes for all
  • Access to a secure home
  • Clean, green neighbourhoods and public space
  • Well-connected businesses and residents
5. More local people into good jobs and training


  • Help create good quality local jobs
  • Work in partnership to support local people into work and better jobs
  • Flexible skills system which supports local businesses to grow and residents to access high quality training and better jobs
6. Thriving economy in all parts of the city


  • Support local businesses to start up, scale up and thrive
  • Attract new investment which brings social and economic benefit to all
  • Vibrant high streets with quality culture and leisure offer
  • Grow the low carbon and circular economy

Our principles 

Our six overarching priorities are supported by four cross cutting principles: 

  • Climate Action - The climate emergency remains one of the biggest long-term challenges facing the world today. We are committed to delivering on the recommendations of our Climate Citizen Assembly and to upholding the promises we made when the Council declared a climate emergency in 2019. We are working closely with key partners towards a net zero Wolverhampton.
  • Driven by Digital - Now more than ever digital skills and connectivity are vital to ensure our residents can access services, interact with friends and family, and enter the job market. The city is at the forefront of digital infrastructure and innovation. We are continuing to build on significant improvements in fixed and mobile connectivity and continue to use the power of digital and AI to transform the way we deliver services.
  • Fair and Equal - We will continue to tackle the inequalities in our communities which impact on the opportunities of local people. The Council’s ‘Excellent’ rated equalities framework is at the heart of this plan. Everybody in our city, whatever their background, should have a pathway to achieve their potential and succeed. No community will be left behind as we transform our city together.
  • Wolverhampton Pound - The Wolverhampton Pound is an initiative supporting community wealth building. Through the Wolverhampton Pound we want to use the combined power of institutions, businesses and communities to retain local wealth, creating new jobs and opportunities. We’ll do this in partnership with the city’s anchor institutions.

All that we do as an organisation will support these strategic priorities. We cannot do this in isolation, we will continue to work as one council and one city to ensure that these priorities are delivered.