If your child is having difficulty getting to school, they may be entitled to a free bus pass.

Our All Age Travel Assistance Policy provides more information about the criteria in which we will provide a free home to school bus pass - there is also an accessible Easy Read version of the policy. These can be found in the Downloads section.

For further information about travel assistance please visit the travel section in the Local Offer(link is external).

You may also find information about the Councils Complaints procedures useful.

How do I apply?

Please click the button below and complete our eligibility checker to see if you are likely to be entitled to support. If you are eligible then sign up for an account or use your existing My Account or Garden Waste login details and complete the full application. Complete all relevant sections and attach all supporting documents we have asked for. These will include the following:

  • proof of address dated within the last 3 months
  • proof of benefits (if you receive them)
  • documentation to support special education needs or education health care plan

Please have these documents ready before using the full application.

Your application will be delayed if you don't supply the right documents. We cannot accept photographs of documents, all documents supplied need to be scanned.

If you are eligible for a 3 term bus pass, you will be provided with a unique code that you will need to register via the National Express bus portal.

Your feedback regarding the issuing of Home to School Travel Bus Passes is important to us and we will use this to shape and improve the service we deliver. We have created a short survey and would appreciate if you could please spare a couple of minutes of your time to complete.

Leave your feedback(link is external)

For students over 16

Please read our Post 16 Travel Policy, in the Downloads section, for more information. Please note we do not normally provide any free or subsidised post-16 travel assistance unless the circumstances are exceptional. Students should in the first instance apply to their school or college for bursary funding to help with their travel costs.

For further information about travel assistance please visit the travel section in the Local Offer(link is external).

Continue to Eligibility Checker(link is external)