The Local Plan documents use evidence and studies to inform their development.

You can find the most up-to-date evidence-based studies and mapping datasets in the Downloads section, on the Wolverhampton Policies Map (ArcGIS Web Application(link is external)) and at Open Space Strategy and Action Plan.

  • historic characterisation
  • ecological value
  • ground conditions
  • flood risk
  • open space and playing pitches

This includes the most recent Local Sites Assessment reports which evidenced the Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation (SLINC) and Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) designations approved through recent Individual Executive Decision Notices. Please see Decision - (link is external)Changes to Nature Conservation Site Designations and Decision - Changes to Nature Conservation Site Designations :: Wolverhampton City Council ( is external).

Further information on the SLINC and SINC designation process(link is external) can be found at

Evidence which supported the Black Country Core Strategy (2011)(link is external) can be found on the Dudley Council website.

Wolverhampton Local Plan

The Black Country Plan(link is external) website holds evidence which was used to support the Draft Black Country Plan consultation.  Some of this evidence is still relevant to the Wolverhampton Local Plan process.  New evidence will be posted here when it is available.

Cabinet on 18 October 2023(link is external) adopted the Black Country Local Nature Recovery Map and Strategy (BCLNR) for planning purposes, including strategic delivery of biodiversity net gain in Wolverhampton (when this is introduced through national legislation and guidance in January 2024).  The BCLNR and appendices relating to Wolverhampton can be found in the downloads section.  The BCLNR will be replaced by the West Midlands Combined Authority Local Nature Recovery Strategy, when this is produced and adopted in 2025.