A further catch-up clinic is being held by Vaccination UK for pupils who have missed a vaccination in school.

It will be held at Biz Space, Planetary Road, Wednesfield WV13 3SW next Wednesday (31 July) from 10.30am to 2pm. Appointments must be booked in advance – please call Vaccination UK on 01902 200077 for more details.

The following free vaccinations will be available:

  • the HPV (human papilloma virus) vaccination offered to boys and girls in Year 8 and above which protects against genital warts and HPV related cancers such as cervical cancer, cancers of the head and neck and cancers of the genital area
  • the Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio (DTP) vaccine, also known as the three-in-one teenage booster which is offered to children in Year 8 and above. This booster is the last routine dose that provides young people with long-lasting protection into adulthood
  • the Meningococcal (Men ACWY) vaccination for children in Year 9 and above which helps protect young people against four types of meningococcal disease which can cause both meningitis and septicaemia
  • the MMR vaccination, to provide long-lasting protection against measles, mumps and rubella for all school aged children who have missed a dose

Councillor Jasbir Jaspal, the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Cabinet Member for Adults and Wellbeing, said: “These vaccines offer the best protection for teenagers as they start their journey into adulthood and start mixing more widely – whether going to college, starting work, travelling or going to festivals.

“So, if your child has missed out on their vaccinations, maybe because they were off school or are home educated, please come along to this catch-up clinic being delivered by Vaccination UK.”