Wolverhampton will host its first ever teenage market on 17 May and organisers are on the look out for young entrepreneurs and performers.

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Dudley Street in the city centre will come alive with all the colour and enthusiasm only young people can bring.

It will give young traders and those with a talent for performing a platform to showcase their skills and sell their creations.

The event will be free and the city council, which is backing the idea, wants to support young talent and budding future entrepreneurs from the city and the wider region.

Dermot McGillicuddy from LSD Promotions who provide specialist markets for the city said "We are very proud to be involved in the Teenage market which we believe is a first class opportunity for unknown creative talent to be introduced to an audience."

Councillor Val Gibson, the city council cabinet member for children and families said "We are delighted to be supporting this event and I can't wait to see the excitement and vibrancy that our young people bring to Dudley Street on 17 May."

Emma Harrison, from New Generation Events in Wolverhampton  - who are one of the sponsors of  the teenage market - said:  "On Saturday 17 May, between 9am and 5pm, Wolverhampton will see a full day of exciting business ideas, energy and entertainment.

"With a variety of stalls, innovative ideas, food and activities for all ages to enjoy. It is a great opportunity for all to come along, show support and be a part of the creative fun"

Kim Gilmour, Operations Director at WV One, said: ""WV One and Wolverhampton BID are delighted to see this initiative come to the city centre.

"We know from our research that visitors want more specialist markets and this event has the added bonus of street performances and supporting young people."

If you are a young entrepreneur and wish to have a go at trading or performing at the event yourself or if you would like to sponsor a stall, please contact admin@lsdpromotions.com(link sends email) to submit your application online.

For more information on the event and what to expect, visit Type=links;Linkid=3300;Title=LSD Promotions;Target=_blank; or call 01384 877336.

  • released: Wednesday 23 April, 2014