The City of Wolverhampton Council’s Carer Support Team is marking this year’s Carers Week with a range of activities for unpaid carers and the people they look after.

Carers Week, which gets underway on Monday (10 June, 2024), is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK. 

It also helps people who don't think of themselves as having caring responsibilities to identify as carers, and to access much needed support. 

The theme for Carers Week 2024 is 'Putting Carers on the Map', and the Carer Support Team have organised a series of activities throughout the week for carers to get involved in.

They include an information event on the subject of Powers of Attorney with Manby Bowdler Solicitors on Monday 10 June, and a Walk and Talk around West Park on Tuesday 11 June. To book places, please call the Carer Support Team on 01902 553409. Please note, a carers craft session and pub lunch are already fully booked.

Lesley Johnson, Carer Support Team manager, said: "There are thousands of unpaid carers in Wolverhampton who look after family members or friends who have a disability, mental or physical illness or simply need extra help as they grow older.

“This Carers Week, we want to recognise them for the job they are doing – and to reach out and offer them the help and support they need in their caring role.

“Caring without the right information and support can be tough, and we are on hand to give our city’s unpaid carers as much help as possible to carry out their vitally important role, so whether you are an adult or a young carer, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.” 

The Carer Support Team offers a range of support for people of any age who care for a friend, relative or neighbour, ensuring they are supported in their caring role, have access to the services they need and are able to claim the benefits they are entitled to. The team also provides practical information, guidance and advice on a range of matters including benefits and offer a range of other services including training in essential skills such as first aid.

For more information, please call 01902 553409, visit Carer support or email 

Carers Week runs until Sunday 16 June, 2024. For more information, please visit Carers Week.