Researchers will be knocking on doors across Wolverhampton from Monday (18 January) until the end of March 2016, gathering information on the health and wellbeing of the local population.
Participants will be asked about issues such as their lifestyle, including diet, smoking, physical activity and alcohol consumption.
The information gained through the Healthy Lifestyle Survey will be used by the City of Wolverhampton Council's Public Health team to help plan services which will improve the health of the local population. It will also help measure the effectiveness of services in the future.
Councillor Sandra Samuels, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Public Health and Wellbeing, said: "We know that health levels among the general population in Wolverhampton are not as good as they could or should be, and as a council we are determined to do all we can to address this.
"We have commissioned this Healthy Lifestyle Survey to gather crucial data about the health and wellbeing of our residents and highlight particular issues which we must address over the coming years if we are going to enable people to live more healthily for longer.
"As a council, we can only commission services which will successfully address the problem if we know what that problem is. This survey will give us that information, and I'd encourage everyone who is asked to take part in the survey to do so and share their views with the research team.
"It's important that we hear from as many people as possible and I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the people of Wolverhampton in advance for their support."
Up to 9,000 residents aged 16 and over will be invited to take part in the Healthy Lifestyle Survey. Researchers will conduct doorstep interviews with randomly selected households across the city, with interviews taking place during the day, in the early evening and at weekends. All researchers will carry photo identification.
Councillor Samuels added: "The survey is being carried out by M·E·L Research, an experienced research company which will operate in accordance with the rules of the Market Research Society.
"This means that any information people provide will be done so anonymously and be treated in the strictest confidence. The council will only receive anonymous data for outlining key themes and trends, from the researchers and it will not be possible to identify individuals from the answers given."
Anyone who has any questions about the survey should call M·E·L Research on 0800 073 0348.
- released: Thursday 14 January, 2016