There is additional time for people to have their say about community day activities for some of the Wolverhampton’s most vulnerable residents.

The City of Wolverhampton Council commissions services to provide meaningful activities and social opportunities for adults aged 55 and over who are socially isolated or are physically frail, have dementia or poor mental health, or have a physical or sensory impairment.

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the delivery of these services with provision suspended for much of the last 12 months. The requirement for many services users to shield has also meant that the number of people attending services that have been running has been low. In addition, take up of traditional day services for older adults has been in decline for several years, both locally and nationally.

A survey asking for people’s experiences of, and thoughts about, these services is currently open and the closing date for comments has been extended to Friday 23 April. To take part, please visit Community Activities for Adults(link is external).

Emma Bennett, the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Director of Adult Services, said: “We need to ensure community services are delivering the sort of activities that people want and need, and so we want to hear from people who have used or are using these services here in Wolverhampton.

"This is a chance for you to tell us your experiences of receiving support from these services and to help shape provision going forward. Please take a few moments to complete the questionnaire or you can ask a family member or relative to complete it on your behalf."