There is still time for people to have their say about plans to modernise library services in Wolverhampton.

The City of Wolverhampton Council's draft Libraries Strategy for 2017 to 2027 seeks to maintain its 16 strong network of libraries while further improving the services they offer to people who live, work, visit or study in Wolverhampton.

The strategy was developed following engagement with more than 500 people including library users, staff and volunteers, community groups and residents, and is currently subject to a 12 week consultation.

Several public meetings have already taken place, but people can still have their say by visiting Type=articles;Articleid=9314;Title=Your views on libraries; and completing a short online survey.

The 10 year strategy features several specific proposals including:

  • maintaining provision of 16 branch libraries, and seeking ways of making improvements to them all

  • modernising Central Library, improving the environment in response to feedback from customers, and exploring the creation of a wider City Learning Quarter with the City of Wolverhampton College and Adult Education Wolverhampton

  • reviewing the location of Bilston Library to improve accessibility

Councillor John Reynolds, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for City Economy, said: "I would like to thank everyone who has taken part in the consultation process so far, either online or via one of the public meetings.

"We know that our libraries are highly valued by residents, but we are also conscious that the way many people use their library is changing. We want to improve the service we offer to people in Wolverhampton and this 10 year strategy is designed to meet the needs of our customers, both now and in the future.

"We're keen to hear what people think of the plans - whether they currently use our libraries or not - and get their feedback on a range of issues, from opening hours to what sort of events and activities people want to see in their libraries."

The strategy for 2017 to 2027, along with the online survey, can be found at Type=articles;Articleid=9314;Title=Your views on libraries;. Hard copies of the strategy and survey are available by calling 01902 552025 or by emailing

The closing date for comments is Sunday 21 May, 2017. All feedback received will be analysed and help shape the final libraries strategy, which is due to be considered by councillors in July.

As well as public library provision, people can also have their say about the Home Library Service and Education Library Service as part of the consultation.

  • released: Friday 21 April, 2017