Wolverhampton City Council is looking to safeguard its future by developing an alternative way of running the popular attraction, building on its successful assets as well as increasing income and reducing running costs.
The aim is for Bantock House Museum to operate without the need of the subsidy it currently receives from the council.
Last month dozens of people took part in special sessions at Bantock House where they could share their ideas with council bosses, and anyone who wasn't able to attend can get involved by completing a short online survey, available at Type=links;Linkid=3281;Title=Bantock House Museum - Listening Exercise;Target=_blank;.
Councillor Elias Mattu, Wolverhampton City Council's Cabinet Member for Leisure and Communities, said: "We are determined to do all we can to ensure Bantock House Museum continues to be a popular attraction for many years to come. It receives around 90,000 visitors a year and is well loved by the people of Wolverhampton and the surrounding areas.
"However, the council is facing a huge financial challenge and must save at least £123million over the next 5 years - so we need to reduce the cost of all our services wherever possible.
"That's why we want Bantock House Museum to be able to operate without financial support from the council, by both increasing the amount of income it generates and reducing its running costs.
"I'd like to thank members of the public for the support they have shown to Bantock House Museum. Many have already come up with some excellent suggestions, and I'd ask anyone else who has ideas they'd like to share to take part in our short survey which will help inform the report that we are putting together."
The survey asks for people to comment on how Bantock House Museum could operate with less council subsidy, how the buildings and park could be used to reduce council subsidy, and for suggestions for events or activities which would contribute towards running costs. The survey closes on Friday 2 May, 2014.
Specific options will be developed for the future management of Bantock House Museum later this year.
- released: Tuesday 8 April, 2014