A new healthy lifestyles service is being launched in Wolverhampton.

The lifestyle and behaviour change service, Live Well Wolverhampton, is delivered by Central Health Solutions and offers people information, advice, guidance, self help tools and lifestyle interventions over a period of 12 weeks to enable them to make and maintain positive lifestyle choices.

Initially, the service is being trialled on a small scale, providing support to help people quit smoking, while an adult weight management scheme is also expected to be launched in near the future.

It will strengthen the existing support available in Wolverhampton and will be accessible to all those who live or are registered with a GP in the city.

Obesity and smoking are both risk factors for a range of conditions including cardiovascular disease and cancer, the biggest causes of premature mortality in Wolverhampton. Levels of obesity and smoking are higher in the city compared to the national and regional averages.

Councillor Jasbir Jaspal, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Adults and Wellbeing, said: "We have fundamental concerns about levels of smoking and obesity in Wolverhampton, with rates for both higher than the national and regional average, and we know that both of these conditions have a huge impact on people’s health and wellbeing.

"We want to do everything we can to help our residents to lead more healthy lifestyles and this new service will offer support in a simple, local and accessible way.

“The smoking cessation service will also support our ambitions for the country to become ‘smokefree’ by 2030 by helping people quit or by encouraging adult smokers to switch to a less harmful vape."

More information including how to access support to quit smoking or lose weight will be provided once the service is launched city wide.