A new app has been launched in Wolverhampton offering people free information from NHS doctors and clinicians about coronavirus.

The COVID-19 Care Assistant, developed by the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust and technology company Babylon Health and available at NHS - COVID-19 Care Assistant(link is external), has been designed by doctors using the latest guidance.

It can be used by people who are concerned that they, or someone they know, may have symptoms of coronavirus and need further guidance on what to do next. It also has tips on how to self isolate and safely care for someone with coronavirus.

David Loughton, Chief Executive of the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, said: “The current COVID-19 epidemic is the greatest challenge the NHS has ever faced. It is up to us as to how we rise to the challenge and keep our staff, patients and community as safe as we possibly can.

"These are unpreceded times, when innovation really counts. Working with our long term partners Babylon Health we have been able to provide an app which will help people who worry they have COVID-19 symptoms. This can be used several times a day and will hopefully take some pressure off the wider health care system including NHS 111, whilst also providing reassurance."

John Denley, Wolverhampton's Director of Public Health, said: "This is a very useful app, giving people access to the most up to date information about coronavirus – and to support from healthcare experts should they need it. 

"It will both help to allay fears that people may have about their health, and also enable them to get an immediate response via live chat and real time video consultations with healthcare professionals and advice around when to book a face to face appointment with a GP."

The COVID-19 Care Assistant takes the user through up to 4 steps as required. Step 1 provides continually updated information about coronavirus, the second offers a symptom checker and live chat with a healthcare professional, step 3 provides a care plan, based on the latest guidance, and step 4 enables the user to have a video consultation with a clinician via the website.

The latest information and guidance around coronavirus is available at GOV.UK(link is external) and on the council’s own coronavirus pages at Coronavirus advice and information. There’s lots of advice on how people can protect themselves and their families from coronavirus from the NHS at Advice for everyone - Coronavirus (COVID-19)(link is external).

The council’s Stay Safe, Be Kind campaign offers clear and simple advice about how people can help themselves, and how they can support others who may be particularly vulnerable at this time. For more information, please visit Stay Safe, Be Kind.