A UK Government minster has praised the team supporting families, children and young people in Wolverhampton for the expert care they provide following a recent visit to the Graiseley Family Hub.

Minister for Children and Families, Janet Daby, visited Graiseley Family Hub last Wednesday 18 September to see at first hand an area which has successful embedded Family Hubs and the Families First for Children Pathfinder (FFCP), meeting staff along with children and families.

A Family Hub is a place where children, young people and their families can go when they need support of which eight have been set up in Wolverhampton. 

The FFCP programme aims to test new ways to reform the children’s social care system, ensuring early support, family help and intervention is available for families facing challenges, helping them to overcome adversity and stay together where possible. 

Ms Daby said: “I’ve loved my visit here today. It’s been great to meet all the people that help to support families, children and young people: visiting the Family Hub, being able to have a tour and meet a young person today – it’s been delightful.

“I was impressed with the way in which I was able to meet representatives from the Health Visiting and School Nursing Services, the Police and Midwifery. It was great to hear about the support given to mothers in areas such as breastfeeding. I also liked hearing about what’s being done with the LGBTQ+ community and how diverse needs are being met. 

The Minister added: “I get a sense that people have job satisfaction, and I observed that people have a genuine need to want to improve families and children’s lives: there was a lot I was impressed with.”

Councillor Jasbir Jaspal, Cabinet member for Adults and Wellbeing for City of Wolverhampton Council said: “This visit has been a fantastic opportunity to showcase the collaboration between ourselves and the Wolverhampton 0-19 Service, as well as demonstrating how well we’ve managed to achieve frontline support for families.”

Alison Hinds, Director of Children’s Services, added:” We are always more than willing to host any visits  to be able to share what we believe is the great work we’re doing in this space; I felt very proud of listening to a parent, a carer and a young person who we have been working with speaking with Minister Daby about how they have welcomed the support from the Hub.”

Rachel King, Deputy Director for the Families First for Children Pathfinder for the council, said: “Minister Daby was really approachable, genuinely interested and supportive of the work we do.

Denise Williams, Service Manager, Family Hubs for the council added: “We enjoy sharing the work we do across the city and staff from across the partnership, as well as families, found Minister Daby to be really approachable and supportive of the work that we are doing collectively in the Family Hubs.”

Catherine Draycott, School Nurse Team Leader, said: “It was lovely today to welcome Minister Daby to Wolverhampton. We were honoured that she took the time to sit with our 0-19 service and ask questions about our service – she could tell how passionate we are about developing these services in Wolverhampton.”

Marion Astbury, Matron for Health Visiting, added: “It was a real pleasure to speak to the Minister and her colleagues to showcase the fantastic work being done by our staff. There was genuine interest in how we are supporting our families and the challenges we face in delivering our service.”