Wednesfield Academy is celebrating being graded Good by Ofsted in all areas – for the first time in its history.

The Lichfield Road school was found to require improvement when it was last inspected in November 2022. Two months later the school joined Matrix Academy Trust, with Ofsted inspectors recognising how much Wednesfield Academy had improved since then.

In their report, published today (Monday 24 March, 2025), they found the school ‘has undergone a significant period of change and development', 'rapidly raised expectations around learning and behaviour' and 'developed a highly ambitious and well sequenced curriculum for all pupils', including those with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). As a result, 'pupils achieve well and are well prepared for the next stage of their lives'.

The school is also continuing to expand its 'ambitious curriculum' in the sixth form, with students 'positive about their learning experiences and the wider opportunities the school provides'.

Wednesfield Academy 'is a highly inclusive school where everyone is valued and where expectations for pupils to achieve well are high'. Relationships between pupils and staff are 'warm and respectful', with pupils speaking positively to inspectors about the support they receive from staff and how they enjoy their learning. There is a 'purposeful atmosphere around the school', and 'pupils focus on their learning well'.

The school 'identifies and supports pupils with SEND well', with teachers effectively adapting their teaching to meet their needs well, ensuring that pupils with SEND are able to access the same ambitious curriculum as their peers.

Inspectors also found that pupils’ wellbeing is 'at the forefront of leaders’ vision, including promoting pupils’ positive mental health'.

Inspectors concluded that the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and sixth form provision at Wednesfield Academy are all Good.

Headteacher Joe Phillips said: "I am immensely proud to be Headteacher at Wednesfield Academy and this Ofsted report illustrates the rapid improvement the school has made in just over 2 years.

"We have so many committed staff and the pupils, as they always are, were a credit to themselves and the academy over the 2 days when Ofsted visited. We want to thank our parents and carers for their ongoing support, and we now look forward to what the future brings as we continue to strive towards excellence."
Matrix CEO Lynsey Draycott added: "Everyone has put their heart and soul into Wednesfield Academy to make it a school the community can be proud of. Not many schools go from Requires Improvement to Good in just over 2 years. We are so happy that Ofsted recognised everyone’s hard work and the school will only continue to improve.” 

Councillor Jacqui Coogan, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Education, said: "This is a fabulous report which demonstrates the great progress that everyone at Wednesfield Academy has made over the last few years.

"The school's clear and decisive leadership, coupled with a pupil centred approach, has ensured it has been able to improve both rapidly and sustainably, and I look forward to seeing Wednesfield Academy continue on its upward trajectory over the coming months and years."