People are being encouraged to have their say over proposals to concentrate play service provision at Old Fallings Adventure Playground.

Under the plans, put forward by Wolverhampton City Council as it seeks to save £123 million over the next 5 years, the city's other 2 adventure playgrounds, at Gatis Street and The Scotlands, would be closed, with organisations invited to take over the buildings for community use.

Councillor Val Gibson, Wolverhampton City Council's Cabinet Member for Children and Families, said: "I'd encourage everyone who either use any of these adventure playgrounds or is likely to do so in the future, or is a member of a community group which would be interested in taking over the running of either the buildings at Gatis Street or The Scotlands, to have their say during the consultation process.

"We are proposing to concentrate our play services at Old Fallings Adventure Playground which is a purpose built, state of the art centre which has the widest range of facilities, including specialist services for young people with disabilities.

"This would mean the council no longer operating from the Gatis Street or Scotlands Adventure Playground sites. However, as part of our proposals, we are very keen to hear from any community groups who would wish to make use of the facilities at the Gatis Street or Scotlands Adventure Playground sites.

"I'd like to make it very clear that this really isn't something we want to do - but the council is in an incredibly difficult financial situation as a result of Government cutbacks.

"We must save a further £123 million by 2018 to 2019 - on top of the £100 million we have already saved over the last 5 years - and this means that we must make some very tough decisions about the services we provide.

"Although the council does not have a statutory duty to provide play services, we fully recognise the role they have in the well being of our young people.

"We also know how popular our adventure playgrounds are with those young people who use them, so I am pleased that we will be able to continue offering provision at Old Fallings, and hope that we may be able to work with community groups to continue provision elsewhere."

People are encouraged to have their say by completing a short online survey, available at Type=links;Linkid=4748;Title=Play Consultation;Target=_blank; or by attending one of 2 public consultation events, at Gatis Street Adventure Playground at 4pm on Friday 7 November, 2014, and Scotlands Adventure Playground, Chesterton Road, on Tuesday 11 November, 2014, at 4pm.

People can also find out more about the proposal and have their say by contacting Kush Patel on 01902 550354 or via sends email) or Lisa Hill on 01902 551984 or via sends email).

The consultation closes on Friday 9 January, 2015.

  • released: Monday 27 October, 2014