The council is developing its scrutiny work programme for 2015 to 2016 and residents are being encouraged to complete a short consultation survey where they can comment on a topic or suggest an issue they would like scrutiny to discuss.
Chair of Scrutiny Board, Councillor Peter O'Neill, said: "The council recognises the importance of engaging with and involving local residents and others who are affected by our decisions, services and activities.
"Promoting and raising awareness of scrutiny is very important, and local authorities have a responsibility to ensure people understand what scrutiny is, what it can achieve and how they can get involved."
The consultation survey can be found at Type=links;Linkid=6040;Title=Ideas for Scrutiny 2015/16 - Public;Target=_blank;. The closing date for responses is 24 May, 2015.
All suggestions received for this year's scrutiny work programme will be considered for inclusion and for more information please contact the Scrutiny Team on 01902 551250 or visit Type=articles;Articleid=2456;Title=Scrutiny;.
- released: Monday 11 May, 2015