Walkers are being urged to pull on their boots for an autumnal fund-raising ramble at a City of Wolverhampton beauty spot in aid of BBC Children in Need.

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Northycote Farm has teamed up with Countryfile Rambles for the event on Sunday 15 October.

Staff at the visitor attraction, in Underhill Lane, are organising the walk, which will take in the history of the farm as well as the wonderful flora and fauna along the way.

City of Wolverhampton Council Cabinet Member for City Economy, Councillor John Reynolds, said: "This is a great chance to get out and discover the countryside on our doorstep.

"Money raised from the walk will to help make a real difference to children and young people who need it the most."

Walks at Northycote are limited to 30 per group but if there is a large amount of interest then another walk can be organised.

There are walks at 11.30am and 2pm.  For ticket information visit Type=links;Linkid=9747;Title=Autumn Ramble;Target=_blank;(link is external).

  • released: Wednesday 11 October, 2017