Businesses, individuals and organisations in Wolverhampton are being invited to play their part in a new suicide prevention campaign.

Look Out For Wolverhampton has been developed by the Wolverhampton Suicide Prevention Stakeholder Forum and provides a wide range of information, resources and support to help prevent suicide.

The campaign is based on the premise that everyone can Look Out For Wolverhampton and play their part in helping to keep others safe if they look out for a loved one, a friend, a colleague or anyone else that they know or care about – and to share the fact that help is available from a variety of sources in the city, the region and nationally.

People can also get involved by ordering free posters and help card resources for their own information or for use within their business, community or faith group, club or society they are part of to help spread the message. Resources are available via the website(link is external).  

Wolverhampton Suicide Prevention Stakeholder Forum trustee and chair Clare Dickens said: "This campaign offers a call to action to know we can all play a part – and that we don’t have to be experts either. We hope some of the resources promoted via this campaign will help us to help others and maybe even ourselves."

Councillor Jasbir Jaspal, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Public Health and Wellbeing, added: "Wolverhampton continues to be very proactive in taking action to prevent suicides in the city, through the Forum and its partners. The latest statistics show a welcome reduction in suicides, with Wolverhampton seeing its lowest rate of suicide since 2001. Furthermore, Wolverhampton is now well below the England and West Midlands average, and the lowest across the region.

“However, despite this decline and the more promising data for Wolverhampton, every death remains one death too many.

"The Look Out For Wolverhampton campaign aims to give people the information and support they need so that they can play their part in preventing suicide, one conversation at a time. 

"The most important message it gives is that there is always hope, and there is help and support available locally and nationally, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

"So please get involved – and help us all Look Out For Wolverhampton."

The campaign website contains full details of local and national organisations which can provide help and support. They include:

In an emergency, people should always call 999.