People who want to go to university but don't have the qualifications they need to do so are being encouraged to find out about special courses offered by Adult Education Wolverhampton.

Its Access to Higher Education Diplomas are aimed at adults who wish to study at degree level. The courses develop their knowledge of a particular subject, as well as improving their English, Maths, IT and study skills so that they are prepared for university.

Each year, 96% of students completing the one year courses go on to university, pursuing careers ranging from midwives, paramedics and social workers to designers and musicians.

Adult Education Wolverhampton is also offering 2 specific courses for students who want to work in education.

They include a Diploma in Specialist Support for Teaching and Learning in Schools Level 3 for students interested in supporting primary and secondary age children in mainstream schools, and an Award in Education and Training Level 3 for people who are interested in teaching at post 16.

Students who have previously completed these courses have gone on to work in primary and secondary schools, and at local colleges and adult education providers.

Councillor John Reynolds, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for City Economy, said: "Whether it is to pursue a particular ambition, or to change career, there are many reasons why adult learners want to go on to study at university.

"The Access to Higher Education Diplomas offered by Adult Education Wolverhampton are designed to give adult learners the skills they will need to succeed."

To find out more, visit the Adult Education Wolverhampton open days at the Foyer Building, St George's Parade, Wolverhampton, on Thursday 3 November, 2016 from 1pm to 3pm and 5pm to 7pm and Friday 4 November, 2016 from 10am to 1pm. Alternatively, please call 01902 558180, email sends email) or log on to Type=links;Linkid=2102;Title=Adult Education Service;Target=_blank;

  • released: Thursday 6 October, 2016