Free outdoor yoga sessions are now underway in Wolverhampton as part of a Black Country wide initiative.

Park Yoga, a charity that provides free yoga sessions, has launched weekly sessions at East Park with the support of the City of Wolverhampton Council and Active Black Country.

The first session took place on Sunday 5 May, with further sessions every Sunday from 9.30am to 10.30am until 15 September.

They are open to all ages and abilities and there’s no need to book in advance. All people need to do is bring a yoga mat if they have one or a towel. For more information, visit Park Yoga.

Councillor Jasbir Jaspal, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Adults and Wellbeing, said: "Yoga is great for improving mood, reducing stress and improving muscle strength and flexibility.

"We hope these sessions will encourage people to take the time to look after their own wellbeing through being active and enjoying the benefits of being outdoors, and I'd encourage everyone to join in the fun.”

Getting people active forms a key part of Health and Wellbeing Together's new Physical Activity Strategy, which was approved late last year.

Park Yoga will also be taking place at other venues across the Black Country.