A host of free residents' events this March will offer opportunities for people to get support with living, learning and working in the City of Wolverhampton.

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The packed programme will run from Wednesday 14 to Saturday 31 and includes a range of drop in events to help residents into the world of work, to find an apprenticeship, to find the right home and improve their wellbeing.

There are also events aimed at supporting families, supporting people to stay independent, and information on how people can get more involved in their city.

Residents can find out about all the events by visiting Type=links;Linkid=10131;Title=Live Learn Work;Target=_blank;(link is external). Ian Darch, Chief Executive at Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council, said: "The City of Wolverhampton has so much to offer, it's a great place to live, learn and work and there is a fantastic range of local organisations here to support local people to reach their potential.

"Together, partners across the city have arranged a wide ranging programme of events to help residents into work, become self employed, develop their skills, improve their health, stay independent and find the right home."

City of Wolverhampton Council Leader, Councillor Roger Lawrence, added: "Supporting residents into jobs, providing opportunities for people to learn and develop their skills, delivering housing, and improving the health and wellbeing of local people are top priorities for the city.

"Dozens of organisations and businesses have come together for the 2018 Residents Programme which is bigger and better than ever, bringing events to residents that showcase the services and support that are available all year round."

The programme kicks off on Wednesday 14 March with special drop in events for women and girls who 'aspire for better' to get support to improve their wellbeing, financial independence and social connections. The sessions take place between 10am and 12pm, and 1pm and 2pm at Aspiring Futures, The Old School, 73 Dudley Road, Blakenhall.

The city's Housing Fair, which last year attracted over 550 visitors, will take place on Sunday 18 March from 11am to 3.30pm at Wolverhampton Art Gallery, Lichfield Street. This free event, sponsored by WV Living, will bring together a range of organisations all under one roof offering help and advice on buying your first home, downsizing, improving existing properties or renting, and much more.

Residents of all ages looking for a job with training can head to Wolverhampton Racecourse, Gorsebrook Road, on Tuesday 27 March, between 4pm and 7pm, to find out about apprenticeships and chat with people with vacancies.  

Access to Business is hosting an information and advice session for people interested in self employment at Molineux Stadium's Hayward Suite, Waterloo Road, on Thursday 22 March, between 10.30am and 2.30pm.

Residents concerned about Dementia and organisations interested in finding out how to support Wolverhampton to be Dementia friendly can get information and advice on Wednesday 21 March from 10am to 2pm, at Wolverhampton Art Gallery's Georgian Room. There will be plenty of free information available on dementia support in the city and advice on legal and safety matters.

On Tuesday 27 March there is a great opportunity to view one of the city's amazing care villages as Showell Court, Othello Road, Low Hill opens its doors to showcase how this type of living and new technology can improve your life and open up new opportunities for meeting new friends.

Volunteering also comes under the spotlight in an information event at Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council, 16 Temple Street, on Thursday 22 March between 10am and 2pm, for anyone wanting to find out about volunteering.  

This is the fourth City of Wolverhampton Residents Programme and is part of a drive to improve opportunities, prosperity and health for residents, as well as raise the profile of the city, its people and opportunities, as part of city conference season.

  • released: Monday 19 February, 2018