Thousands of students are due to find out what grades they have achieved at schools and colleges across the city tomorrow (Thursday 13 August, 2015).
And Councillor Claire Darke, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Education, said: "I'd like to wish everyone collecting their A-level results the very best of luck.
"I hope they achieve the outcomes they were hoping for and are looking forward to their next move, whether that is going on to university or entering the world of work.
"Even if they don't get the grades they want and are unable to secure a place at their chosen university, they should not be downhearted as there will be plenty of opportunities to secure alternative placements, not least through the Clearing process.
"The message is clear; if your exam results are not quite what you were expecting, there is no need to panic; there are still plenty of options available to you."
Careers advisors from Connexions Wolverhampton will be on hand to support young people who get better or worse results than expected and assess what options are available to them.
The Wolverhampton Connexions Centre on Salop Street is open from 1.30pm to 4.30pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, and can be contacted on 01902 773040 during office hours. Outside these times, help and advice is available via Type=links;Linkid=3988;Title=Connexions Wolverhampton;Target=_blank;.
Meanwhile, Wolverhampton's "Outstanding" rated Adult Education Service offers information, advice and guidance on career and funding options.
It runs specific courses to prepare learners for work and employment, including helping with CV writing, interview skills and training. Many of these courses are free, depending upon individual circumstances. Please call 01902 558180 for help and support.
Councillor Darke added: "The council is committed to driving up educational standards so that our young people have every chance to reach their full potential.
"Over the next few days we'll start to get a clear picture of how our A-level students have performed in 2015, and we're hopeful that they will have continued the steady improvement we have seen in recent years - last year, the average points score per student in post 16 examinations saw Wolverhampton ranked 12th nationally, which was a tremendous achievement.
- released: Wednesday 12 August, 2015