Councillor Claire Darke will become the 161st Mayor of the City of Wolverhampton at tomorrow night's (15 May) full council meeting.

Councillor Darke, who has represented the city's Park ward for 11 years, will make recognising the contribution of women and prevention of suicide and self harm the themes of her year in office.

On Wednesday, her fellow councillors will be asked to vote on a motion which will make her Mayor and she will then take the oath of office.

Councillor Darke has been deputy mayor for the past 12 months. She will replace Councillor Phil Page at the city’s first citizen.

Councillor Darke’s consort for 2019/2020 will be her husband, Dr Paul Darke.

During her time on the council, Councillor Darke has been chair of the petitions committee and cabinet member for education amongst other roles.

She said "It’s a great honour to be Mayor and it’s a great opportunity to celebrate the city, promote the city and represent the city.

“The construction cranes are back in Wolverhampton and there is lots going on. Wolverhampton is a vibrant community and place to live and it is our citizens who make Wolverhampton the global place it is.”

“Wolverhampton was founded by a woman, yet I am just the 10th woman to be Mayor. For that reason, I have chosen the contribution of women to the city be one of my themes for the year.”

In line with tradition, Councillor Darke has selected good causes which she will raise money for over the year.

Her chosen good causes are Wolverhampton Suicide Prevention Stakeholders Forum and the University of Wolverhampton Alumni Mayoral Scholarship Fund – a new venture to support local people into higher education. 

Councillor Greg Brackenridge is set to be made deputy mayor at Wednesday's meeting.

People can discover more about the Mayor’s office at The Mayor of Wolverhampton(link is external)