Today is World Social Work Day – a day when social workers around the globe stand together to advance their common message.

This year, the day highlights the concept of Ubuntu: I am Because We Are. This is the first theme of the 2020 to 2030 Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development. 

Ubuntu: ‘I am because we are’ is a concept and philosophy that resonates with the social work perspective of the interconnectedness of all peoples and their environments. It speaks to the need for global solidarity and also highlights indigenous knowledge and wisdom.

To mark World Social Work Day, the City of Wolverhampton Council's social work teams are being asked to get together to highlight good practice and celebrate social work.

Councillor John Reynolds, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, said: "This is a great opportunity to celebrate the fantastic work our social workers do day in, day out, for our city’s vulnerable children and young people and adults and to share good practice across our services."

Councillor Linda Leach, Cabinet Member for Adults, added: "Our social workers do an incredible job, often in very difficult circumstances, and it is important that we recognise the vital role they play, not just today on World Social Work Day but indeed every day of the year."

For more information about social care jobs available with the City of Wolverhampton Council, please visit A Career in Social Work(link is external)

Meanwhile, the window is now open for applications to the West Midlands Step Up to Social Work programme, a fast track training programme leading to a Post Graduate Diploma in Social Work through which people could potentially start a career as a children’s social worker within 14 months.

The course will be running from January 2022 to March 2023 and is delivered at the University of Birmingham. Participants will receive a tax free bursary of over £19,000 towards living costs and any childcare arrangements. In addition, all course fees are paid. For more information, please visit GOV.UK(link is external)