Inspectors visited Ernest Bold, which provides short term respite care opportunities to adults with learning disabilities, late last year.
They found that provision continues to be Good, with people kept safe by staff who are "well trained" and "kind", provide "consistent, effective and timely care" and demonstrate that they "treat them with dignity whilst promoting their independence".
Staff spoke "positively" to inspectors about the training they receive, and how they are able to update their knowledge to ensure they can continue to support people effectively. Inspectors found they know how to manage risks, are confident to report concerns, and that there are appropriate medicines and infection control practices in place.
Inspectors were particularly impressed with the standard of leadership, management and governance at Ernest Bold, which they say promotes "high quality, person centred care; supported learning and innovation" and an "open, fair culture". There is a "clear vision" for the service, with good progress being made to meet people's goals, for instance supporting people to have more control over their finances.
The service is also proactive in encouraging people's independence, working with external organisations to improve their confidence and living and communication skills by enabling them to complete everyday tasks such as preparing food, washing clothes and going out and about when they are able to.
Ernest Bold, on Wolverhampton Street in Bilston, offers a 'home away from home' for adults with a learning disability, enabling them to access a range of opportunities designed to enable, assist and promote their independence whilst also providing respite for their families or carers.
David Watts, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Director for Adult Services, said: "We are very pleased with this report, which underlines the high quality service which is provided at Ernest Bold.
"I would like to congratulate everyone involved, in particular registered manager Michelle Holdcroft and her team who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, for all their hard work over the past few years."
Inspectors judged the service to be safe, effective, caring and responsive - giving it a Good rating in all four areas - and "exceptionally well led", where it was rated Outstanding. The service was rated Good at its last inspection in 2015.