Beat the Street Wolverhampton is in full swing, with thousands of children, young people and their families getting out and about and exploring their city.

This week's theme is Go Active, encouraging participants to discover new activities and sports which they can try out once the unique walking, riding and rolling competition comes to an end on Wednesday 17 August.

Beeping and flashing sensors called Beat Boxes have been placed on lampposts around the city for the duration of the game to help participants explore their local area. 

Players walk, cycle or roll between the Beat Boxes which are spaced approximately half a mile apart, using their contactless fobs or game cards to score points. The first Beat Box marks the start of the journey and players earn points for each subsequent Beat Box they visit; the further players travel, the more points they score for their community or school team.

Nearly 7,500 players are already taking part, and have travelled over 13,000 miles in less than a week.

It’s not too late join in the fun. Free game cards are available from various locations around Wolverhampton – listed at Beat the Street(link is external) – including WV Active leisure centres, West Park Tea Rooms, Northycote Farm Cafe, Wolverhampton Art Gallery, The Way Youth Zone, Central Library, Bantock Park Cafe, Sainsbury’s Local, Bridgnorth Road, Co-Op on Stafford Road and Griffiths Drive and Tesco Express on Penn Road.

Councillor Jasbir Jaspal, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Public Health and Wellbeing, said: "The aim of Beat the Street is to encourage people to become more active and to incorporate those healthy habits into their normal routine over the longer term so they become part of their regular lifestyle.

"The Go Active-themed week is a celebration of all the ways you can get moving in and around the area and a fabulous opportunity to try out something new without any pressure." 

Councillor Beverley Momenabadi, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, added: “Beat the Street is a fantastic, free-to-enter initiative and anyone can get involved. As well as encouraging you to get active which will have a hugely positive impact on your health, you could also help support a community team to win a prize.”

For more information, visit Beat the Street(link is external) or follow @BTSWolves on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Beat the Street is delivered by Intelligent Health with funding from the National Lottery via Sport England and forms a key part of the council’s Yo! Summer Festival, which is offering hundreds of events across the city, many free of charge, to keep children, young people and their families active and entertained throughout the school holidays – more details at Yo Wolves(link is external)