Adult Education Wolverhampton is holding an open day to showcase a range of courses for people with a disability later this month.

It will be held at The Maltings, Herbert Street, Wolverhampton on Thursday 30 March, 2023, from 1.30 to 6pm, and will highlight courses that are running from September.

They include Life Skills classes focusing on English, maths, digital skills and cookery, designed to help students learn essential everyday key skills.

Real Life Skills help students explore the community, citizenship, independent travelling and much more.

Keep Learning and Move On courses support students to take the next steps towards independence and becoming work ready. 

Finally, Supported Internships and Supported Employment provides a personalised model designed to support people with significant disabilities into paid employment. 

For more information of the courses on offer, please call 01902 553870. To book a place at the open day, please email sends email) by 27 March, 2023. 

Councillor Chris Burden, the City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Work, said: “The open day is an excellent opportunity to find out more about some of the educational opportunities available for disabled adults in Wolverhampton.

“You will be able to see the facilities, meet the tutors and talk to current students about their experiences of the courses on offer.”

For more information please visit Adult Education Wolverhampton(link is external).