If you are experiencing problems with noise from neighbours, the Council may be able to take action to alleviate the problem.

Noise nuisance can include:

  • Loud amplified music
  • Noise from a television set at too high a volume
  • A barking dog or an alarm

Noise coming from ordinary domestic activities being carried on in a reasonable way does not constitute a nuisance.

Report a noise nuisance coming from a council property

If the noise is during the day and is coming from a council property, contact your local housing office and they will take the details and investigate further.

Report a noise nuisance coming from a non-council property

Wolverhampton Council aims to have issues resolved between parties before formal action is taken

Before official action is taken attempts are needed to resolve the issue.

  • Discuss the details with the person who is causing the issue
  • Discuss the details with other neighbours

I don't want to talk to the person causing the issue

In some cases, we understand that people may not be comfortable with approaching the person causing the issue.

To assist with resolving this, other actions can be taken.

Use the sample letter template and amend it as you see fit. Drop it round or post it to the person causing the issue.

Sample letter for noise complaints

I have tried contact but it is not working

If you have attempted the above and taken reasonable steps but the problem remains and you wish to try and resolve it informally, you may wish to contact the FREE Mediation service.

mediation@wolverhampton.gov.uk(link sends email)

The first step in mediation is to talk through your situation and assess the options open.  Full information on the Mediation Service can be found here(link is external).

Take official action

If having taken the above steps and considered mediation and decided it is not for you, you may wish to send a final warning to your neighbour.

Sample final letter for noise complaints

You will need to complete a noise log  preferably for a fortnights worth of information.

Where do I send the noise log?

Complete the form online or send it to the address on the noise log.


  • Current Start
  • Preview
  • Complete

Your details


Customer name
- Select -
  • - Select -
  • Miss
  • Ms
  • Mr
  • Mrs
  • Dr
  • Other…


Customer address


Steps taken

Noise log