To make a booking for Pest Control Services, we will need to know the pest you require treatment for.

If the pest you need assistance with is not listed here, you can find information on what to do by using our advisory service.

Make a Pest Control Booking

Type of Pest

Please select the type of pest you need assistance with:


The common garden black ant is not regarded as a significant risk to public health, however, they can be a nuisance when they enter homes in search of food.

How we will treat the problem

Our technicians will carry out a treatment to the inside of your property using a licensed professional product. The treatment costs £83.00 and includes one free follow up treatment if the initial treatment was not successful.

Treatment can take up to 5 days to take effect. Customers can call back for follow up treatment (if necessary) from the 6th day.

What we are unable to deal with

Make a booking

Please note, payment for pest control services will be required at the time of booking and if you cancel your appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice you will be charged an administrative fee of £20. Please ensure you have correctly identified the right pest and booked for the correct treatment. If at the time of the appointment, the information you provided was incorrect, we will not be able to refund any of your payment.

To make a booking, please contact Customer Services 01902 551155.

Bed bugs

The bed bug (Cimex lectularius)(link is external) is a parasite and lives off human and animal blood.

How we will treat the problem

Our technicians will carry out a treatment to the inside of your property using a licensed professional product. The treatment costs £205.00 and includes one free follow up treatment if the initial treatment was not successful. Should you miss your scheduled free revisit and/or require further treatment for the infestation, revisits will be charged at £105.00 up to a maximum of three additional visits over a three month period.

Treatment can take up to 14 days to take effect. Customers can call back for follow up treatment (if necessary) from the 15th day

A thorough treatment of the room including the bed frame with an insecticide will be required so you will need to prepare the affected room before your appointment

Things to do before your appointment

  • carefully vacuum your carpets and soft furnishings paying particular attention to seams, tufts and edges of mattresses and the edge of carpets along skirting board
  • empty your vacuum cleaner into an external bin immediately to prevent the bed bugs and their eggs escaping from the vacuum cleaner back into your home
  • ensure the beds are stripped of bedclothes on the day of the appointment and wash the bedclothes at a high temperature
  • clear as much floor space as possible but not the furniture, clearing the wardrobe when you can
  • after treatment, you will need to vacate the treated room(s) for up to 4 hours to allow the spray to settle and dry
  • upon returning put clean bedclothes on your bed and sleep in it as normal

Make a booking

Please note, payment for pest control services will be required at the time of booking and if you cancel your appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice you will be charged an administrative fee of £20. Please ensure you have correctly identified the right pest and booked for the correct treatment. If at the time of the appointment, the information you provided was incorrect, we will not be able to refund any of your payment.

To make a booking, please contact Customer Services 01902 551155.

Please note: to qualify for retreatment, you will need to have given the treatment 14 days to work and contact us for a follow-up appointment between 15 days and 21 days of the initial treatment.


The two main types seen in this country are German cockroaches (Blatella germanica)(link is external) and Oriental cockroaches (Blatta orientalis)(link is external).
Both are primarily nocturnal and thrive in humid conditions.

They eat a wide range of food and need a water supply to survive. They live in cracks, crevices and ductings but forage for food in the open.

How we will treat the problem

Our technicians will carry out a treatment to the inside of your property using a licensed professional product. The treatment costs £105.00 and includes one free follow up treatment if the initial treatment was not successful.

Treatment can take up to 14 days to take effect. Customers can call back for follow up treatment (if necessary) from the 15th day

How to tell if you have cockroaches

  • cockroaches are usually inactive during the day so you will most likely see them when turning on the light at night
  • you will experience a strong, oily odour, which becomes extremely pungent when large numbers of the insects are present
  • if water is scarce they leave a dust of black/dark brown droppings that are cylindrical & less than 2mm wide and can be found on flat surfaces and along the bottom of the wall where cockroaches run
  • where water is readily available they produce brown smear marks instead of droppings
  • A common sign of a cockroach infestation is the presence of small, dark brown, oval-shaped egg casings from recently hatched cockroaches
  • cockroaches will eat almost anything as well as food such as food packaging, leather, books, paper, clothing and other pet droppings

Make a booking

Please note, payment for pest control services will be required at the time of booking and if you cancel your appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice you will be charged an administrative fee of £20. Please ensure you have correctly identified the right pest and booked for the correct treatment. If at the time of the appointment, the information you provided was incorrect, we will not be able to refund any of your payment.

To make a booking, please contact Customer Services on 01902 551155.

Please note: to qualify for retreatment, you will need to have given the treatment 14 days to work and contact us for a follow-up appointment between 15 days and 21 days of the initial treatment.


Flea bites can produce an allergic reaction. The typical symptom of a flea bite is a small red spot 5mm or so in diameter. In sensitive individuals, the response can be worse and the bite extremely itchy.

How we will treat the problem

Our technicians will carry out a treatment to the inside of your property using a licensed professional product. The treatment costs £110.00 and includes one free follow up treatment if the initial treatment was not successful.

Treatment can take up to 14 days to take effect. Customers can call back for follow up treatment (if necessary) from the 15th day

Before we visit your property you will need to:

  • Carefully vacuum your carpets and soft furnishings. The vibration of the vacuum cleaner will also stimulate adult fleas to hatch form their cocoon stage - so pay particular attention to areas where your pet may sleep.
  • Empty your vacuum cleaner into an external bin immediately to prevent the fleas and their larvae escaping from the vacuum cleaner back into the carpet.
  • Clear as much floor space as possible but not the furniture treat your pet with a product approved for veterinary use. Never apply insecticide directly onto your pet.
  • Thoroughly wash your pet's bedding at a high enough temperature to kill off all stages of the flea's development
  • after treatment, you will need to vacate the treated room(s) for up to 4 hours to allow the spray to settle and dry.

How to tell if you have fleas

  • your pets will constantly be scratching
  • flea droppings will be seen in clusters next to the skin
  • fleas are 1- 4mm long, brownish in colour and have no wings but do have powerful legs adapted for jumping
  • where water is readily available they produce brown smear marks instead of droppings

Make a booking

Please note, payment for pest control services will be required at the time of booking and if you cancel your appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice you will be charged an administrative fee of £20. Please ensure you have correctly identified the right pest and booked for the correct treatment. If at the time of the appointment, the information you provided was incorrect, we will not be able to refund any of your payment.

To make a booking, please contact Customer Service on 01902 551155.

Please note: to qualify for retreatment, you will need to have given the treatment 14 days to work and contact us for a follow-up appointment between 15 days and 21 days of the initial treatment.


Mice associate themselves with humans for food and shelter.
They can spread disease in their urine and faeces and it is important that at the first sign of mice good hygiene is maintained and Pest Control are called to treat the premises.

How we will treat the problem

Our technicians will carry out a treatment to the inside of your property using a licensed professional product. The treatment costs £88.00 and includes one free follow up treatment if the initial treatment was not successful. Should you miss your scheduled free revisit and/or require further treatment for the infestation, revisits will be charged at £48.00 up to a maximum of three additional visits over a three month period.

Treatment can take up to 7 days to take effect. Customers can call back for follow up treatment (if necessary) from the 8th day

How to tell if you have mice

Mice tend to come out in late evening, and therefore are rarely seen, however, you may notice some of the following signs of mouse activity:

  • a musty smell - left from the urine
  • droppings - mice produce around 80 droppings per day
  • scratching noises
  • strong musky odour
  • holes - gnawed in food wrapping, boxes, bags, etc
  • smear marks - due to grease from fur deposits, which are left on habitual mouse runs

Make a booking

Please note, payment for pest control services will be required at the time of booking and if you cancel your appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice you will be charged an administrative fee of £20. Please ensure you have correctly identified the right pest and booked for the correct treatment. If at the time of the appointment, the information you provided was incorrect, we will not be able to refund any of your payment.

To make a booking, please contact Customer Services on 01902 551155.

Please note: to qualify for retreatment, you will need to have given the treatment 7 days to work and contact us for a follow-up appointment between 8 days and 14 days of the initial treatment.


Rats associate themselves with humans for food and shelter.
Landowners have a responsibility to deal with rats on their land. If a landowner does not adequately deal with an infestation of rats, the council has legal powers to require that action is taken.

How we will treat the problem

Our technicians will carry out a treatment to the inside of your property using a licensed professional product. The treatment costs £88.00 and includes one free follow up treatment if the initial treatment was not successful. Should you miss your scheduled free revisit and/or require further treatment for the infestation, revisits will be charged at £48.00 up to a maximum of three additional visits over a three month period.

Treatment can take up to 7 days to take effect. Customers can call back for follow up treatment (if necessary) from the 8th day.

Please note, our Pest Control Officer can only access loft spaces when they are boarded. Should the problem reside in your loft and it is not boarded, we will be unable to provide treatment.

How to tell if you have rats

You may not be aware of the problem if it is slight but you may become aware of the following signs:

  • presence of rat burrows in the ground - entrance holes approximately 7.5 - 10 cm in diameter at the side of sheds, in grassy banks, under tree roots, log piles, edge of paving stones or around drain covers
  • droppings which are black and can be up to 2cm long and resemble a spindle shape
  • damage caused by gnawing - rats gnaw all the time, even on non-food material, to wear down their front teeth
  • smooth run down areas in the garden (rat runs) caused by rats running along the same path day after day
  • where rats have become established indoors there will be a very characteristic musty odour
  • their favourite foods are cereal products and they will gnaw and rip open packets

Make a booking

Please note, payment for pest control services will be required at the time of booking and if you cancel your appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice you will be charged an administrative fee of £20. Please ensure you have correctly identified the right pest and booked for the correct treatment. If at the time of the appointment, the information you provided was incorrect, we will not be able to refund any of your payment.

To make a booking, please contact Customer Services on 01902 551155.

Please note: to qualify for retreatment, you will need to have given the treatment 7 days to work and contact us for a follow-up appointment between 8 days and 14 days of the initial treatment.


During spring there are no active wasp nests. We treat wasp nests from May to October.

Wolverhampton City Council provides a chargeable service for the treatment of wasps in domestic property and business premises.

Our Pest Control Officers treat the nest. During spring there are no active wasp nests, just queens which will begin to look for a suitable place to build their new nests.

You may see bees or hoverflies which are easily mistaken as wasps but we do not treat hoverflies and bees are not a pest.

How we will treat the problem

Our technicians will carry out a treatment to the inside of your property using a licensed professional product. The treatment costs £80.00 including one revisit.

Treatment can take up to 5 days to take effect. Customers can call back for follow up treatment (if necessary) from the 6th day

How to tell the difference between wasps and bees

It is vital that you correctly identify that you have wasps and not bees before you make a booking for pest control services. We take payment at time of booking and will only provide a partial refund if we visit the property and you have a bee nest (£20 is retained to cover the call out expense).

The reason that we do not treat bees is that they are not a pest. Whilst they may be closely related to the wasp, bees are not aggressive and will not sting a human unless provoked, they are also one of the worlds most important pollinators. If it were not for bees one-third of the food we eat worldwide would not be available.

Wasps have an important role in our eco-systems as they naturally prey on pests; they are natures pest control. However, wasps are more aggressive than bees which is why we treat wasp nests.

Guide on how to tell the difference between wasps and bees(link is external)

Make a booking

Please note, payment for pest control services will be required at the time of booking and if you cancel your appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice you will be charged an administrative fee of £20. Please ensure you have correctly identified the right pest and booked for the correct treatment. If at the time of the appointment, the information you provided was incorrect and you have a bees nest, we will only be able to provide a partial refund  (£20 is retained to cover the call out expense).

To make a booking, please contact Customer Services 01902 551155.

Please note: to qualify for retreatment, you will need to have given the treatment 5 days to work and contact us for a follow-up appointment between 5 days and 14 days of the initial treatment. We will only retreat the same nest.

Customer Service Excellence

Our Pest Control Service is accredited with the Government standard for Customer Service Excellence(link is external).