Fly-tipping is when waste is illegally dumped on roads or land which is not licensed for waste. If you spot fly-tipping, please report this so we can deal with it.
Shop a tipper logo

Fly-tipping generally consists of materials such as household waste, large domestic items such as fridges and furniture, garden refuse, commercial waste, such as building rubble and soil, asbestos waste and tyres.


What to do if you discover fly-tipping

  • Do not touch or disturb the waste and keep animals away from it where possible.
  • From observation only, try to see what the waste consists of, take photographs if possible.
  • Note the exact location of the waste material and its surroundings such as whether or not it is in water or close to drainage.
  • Fly-tips often contain evidence that can help identify the culprit and aid in their prosecution. When you can, take a photograph of the evidence but do not remove any evidence as it could damage any potential prosecution case taken by the council.
  • Report the fly tip.

How to report a fly-tip

If you have found a fly tip, but did not witness who did it, please report an 'unwitnessed fly tip' using the Love Clean Streets App:

Report an unwitnessed fly tip

If you witnessed the fly tip, and have details on who the person was, please report a 'witnessed fly tip':

Report a witnessed fly tip

How Shop a Tipper works

The Council is very good at quickly removing reported fly-tipping along our streets and council green open spaces, but we need to put a stop to people dumping their waste thoughtlessly and causing inconvenience to other residents in Wolverhampton. 

The campaign ‘Shop a tipper’ encourages residents who spot fly tippers to report the offender to the council for a £100 reward following the payment of a Fixed Penalty Notice or a successful prosecution. 

When a Fixed Penalty Notice is paid we will let you know and within 14 days you will receive your Enjoy Wolverhampton gift card. 

You will remain anonymous when a Fixed Penalty Notice is issued.

If the Fixed Penalty Notice is not paid we will take the matter to court. In most cases this will require your witness statement, however sometimes we may need you to attend court to support the prosecution. If we do your court expenses are paid.

The city council wants to put a stop to fly tipping and we need your help to catch the culprits to keep your city cleaner, greener and better.

When you report fly tipping, an officer will contact you before taking any action, and your details will be kept in strict confidence.

Removal of fly-tipping

Where the fly-tip is located will determine who is responsible for its removal.

When the investigation is completed and any evidence is safely gathered, arrangements are made for removal. If the waste is on highways land or any other land owned by the council, Environmental Services will be contacted for removal. If the waste is on privately owned land the responsibility for removal falls to the land owner/occupier.

If we have evidence of the culprit responsible for the fly-tip, then the council will consider taking the matter to prosecution.

Fly-tipping FPNs and fines

We issue anyone found fly-tipping with a £1000 Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN).

Paying a Fixed Penalty Notice

  • payments can be made by bank transfer (BACS) or by sending a cheque
  • payment must be made in full within 28 days. If payment isn't received, you will be sent a reminder and ultimately the matter will be dealt with through formal prosecution in court
  • there is a discount of £500 if payment is received within 14 days from the date the FPN was issued
  • payment by instalments is not permitted
  • you cannot pay online, by phone or at the Civic Centre

There are no formal grounds for appeal.

If you don't agree that you committed the offence the matter will be dealt with through formal prosecution in the court. They will decide if an offence was committed and whether or not any penalty should be imposed. 

Courts can impose an unlimited fine, imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years, or both. Paying the FPN we issue is likely to be substantially lower than any fine imposed by the courts.