Please note some pages and areas of this website are still in development.
The purpose of this website is to provide information to Wolverhampton schools and settings. Accessible information related to SEND and Inclusion for young people and parents/carers can be found on the Local Offer website and Wolverhampton Information, Advice and Support Service website.
The aim of this website is to:
- Promote universal inclusive provision for all school children by providing clear and consistent support and guidance to all Wolverhampton education settings on the expectations for ordinarily available provision.
- Provide clear and accessible information about the targeted and specialist support pathways so that the children and young people who need it can access the right support at the right time.
These pathways have been co-produced with schools, services and service users, and will be subject to review in response to feedback from schools and services. All Wolverhampton settings are expected to follow the guidance.
Step 1
Follow and implement guidance on ordinarily available provision
Step 2
When children are not making expected progress (this could be in relation to attendance, attainment, wellbeing, behaviour, send) education settings should engage meaningfully with children, young people and their families to gather views, discuss needs and plan together
Step 3:
Implement a school based assess-plan-do-review cycle following an appropriate pathway.
Working together, key education staff, children/young people and their parents/carers will identify which of the following support pathways is most appropriate.
Step 4:
Implement a specialist assess-plan-do-review cycle following an appropriate pathway.
If a child/young person is still not making expected progress (this could be in relation to attendance, attainment, wellbeing, behaviour, send) despite implementation of the targeted pathway, education settings should follow guidance in the relevant specialist pathways. This would be dependent on the outcome of the previous assess-plan-do-review cycles.
Other useful guidance and information for supporting inclusion in schools can be found in the sections below.