Information about charges made on an empty property or second home.

There is no discount for an empty property.

100% council tax is payable from the date a property becomes empty and unfurnished for 1 year. This is regardless of any change in ownership.

Job-related second home discount

If you have more than one property, we may have to decide which property is your main house. We may request further information to do this.

If your second home is job-related you may get a 50% discount. This is if your (or your spouse's) employment contract requires you to live in the property.

When applying for the discount, we will need a copy of your employment contract. If one of your properties is outside Wolverhampton, we need a copy of that property's council tax bill. 

Apply for an Empty property and second homes discount(link is external)

Uninhabitable properties and properties requiring structural repairs, or refurbishment

There is no discount or exemption for these properties and the full charge is payable. If the property is derelict and cannot be lived in, you may be able to get it removed from the Valuation List. You should make any further inquiries to the Valuation Office Agency(link is external).

For further information please read the Valuation Office guidance(link is external).

While an appeal is being made you are still liable to pay the full amount of council tax on the demand. You need to keep paying the instalments to avoid court action. If the appeal is successful you will receive a refund.

Apply for an Empty property and second homes discount(link is external)