You can pay for the installation of a donation bench in one of our local parks to mark a family event, anniversary or remember someone special

The Donation Bench Scheme is temporarily closed due to lack of available locations
This page will re-open when suitable locations have been identified, so please check back soon.

Donation Benches

How much does a donation bench cost?

The cost of installing a donation bench varies, both from site to site, and in the style of bench. A donation bench may be around £1,900 at some sites, but at other locations it may be around £3,000. The current average price is £2,143 (July 2023). Please be advised that these figures are for guidance only, as prices cannot be secured, and new requests may be significantly higher.

If you would like to check if the site/location you have in mind is available, please include a comment in the Bench Details (Location section) below. Please make a note of the reference number you receive; this will be required in all communications. If you wish to proceed to the quotation stage, you will need to send us a non-refundable deposit of £100, in the form of a cheque. More details can be found at the bottom of this page.

Will my deposit be deducted from the final balance I have to pay?

Yes, we will contact you to say how much the final amount is. This will be the total cost of the quote minus the £100 deposit.

Will I get a refund if I decide not to progress beyond quotations?

No, deposits are non-refundable.

This is because a lot of time goes into making site visits and getting the quote. Officers have to make arrangements with manufacturers, suppliers, delivery locations and installation services.

Bench Design

The design of the bench will match those already in the chosen park.

Notes for consideration:

  • A donation bench becomes the property of the Council.
  • The Council maintains donation benches and plaques in line with our standard maintenance schedules.
  • If a plaque gets damaged or stolen within the first 12 months, the council will pay for a replacement.
  • Should a donation bench become unsafe, or encourage anti-social behaviour, it may need to be removed.
  • If we cannot repair a damaged donation bench, the Council will remove it and let you know.  A replacement bench will be at the charge applicable at the time.
  • The laying of tributes on or around a donation bench are not encouraged, and may be removed.


The inscription can be up to 80 characters (not including spaces) on three rows.

It is preferable that the plaque contains some reference to the park or garden it is in.


The time taken to action a donation bench is lengthy. There are many processes to be undertaken before a final cheque is received by us from a donor. Once we have accepted the application and processed full payment, the council will:

  • buy the bench
  • have the plaque inscribed
  • arrange for installation

This usually takes a minimum of 16 weeks (please note this timescale is not guaranteed and is weather dependent).

We will let you know when we have installed your bench.

Make an application for a donation bench