The course is online, it is not presented by a facilitator or tutor so it can be accessed at your leisure anywhere and anytime.
The course materials are scaled down into four small modules, which include many visual pictorials to aid all types of learning. Within the elearning make sure you click on all the elements, including images, to access all the information. You do not have to access all four modules in one sitting, you can access them within your own timescale, but it is recommended that you complete all modules.
The modules are:
1. Managing Family Stress
- How to recognise signs of stress in ourselves
- Ways in which we can better manage our stress levels
- The impact of our stress on children and within the family
- How we can recognise signs of stress in our children
- How we can help our children manage their stress levels
2. The Developing Child
- Exploring the influences on our children's development
- The needs of our children and how we meet them
- A child's emotional needs
- Ways in which we speak to our children
- How to demonstrate empathy towards our children and why is empathy important
- Actively listening to our children
3. Parenting Styles
- Parenting styles
- The importance of role modelling
- Routines and the importance of consistency
- Positive praise
- Family agreements
- Choices and consequences
4. Parenting Toolbox
- Why boundaries are important
- Distract and re-direct techniques
- Negotiating skills
- Reward charts
- Time out
- Using affective statements
- The importance of positive reinforcements
We would like you to complete a simple survey at the end of the course, as your views are important to us and will help us to improve our service.