Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) is an additional financial help for those struggling to pay their rent. Not everyone who applies will receive it.

You may be eligible for a DHP if you live in Wolverhampton and can't cover your housing costs with your income or savings.

Awards are based on individual circumstances and in most cases is given for a short term to allow you time to make changes. These changes might include moving to more affordable housing, getting budgeting advice, adjusting your finances, dealing with a temporary difficulty, or finding employment. In exceptional circumstances, a DHP can be awarded for longer periods.

Who can apply

  • Resident of Wolverhampton
  • Receiving Housing Benefit or the Housing Costs Element of Universal Credit
  • It doesn't matter whether you rent from the council, a housing association, a charity, or a private landlord.

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How to apply

  • Complete the DHP application form
  • Ensure you upload:
    • A copy of your most recent bank statement if you want the award paid directly to your bank account. (Please do not upload a copy of your bank card)
    • Evidence of your monthly rent if you are a private tenant (e.g. a rent statement from your landlord or agent)