Includes conservation areas and getting Listed Buildings Consent.
Is my building Listed?

Please see the Designated Heritage Assets map(link is external) for Listed Buildings, Locally Listed Buildings, and Conservation Areas can be found here

For more information or general advice on maintenance and repairs contact the Historic Environment Service on 01902 556026.

How can I get a Building Listed?

Historic England deals with all nominations for additions to the National Register of Heritage Assets which includes Listed Buildings. You can find out about the selection criteria, make nominations online and search the National Register for entries through Visit Historic England(link is external).

The Local List

Wolverhampton City Council operates a Local List of Heritage Assets which includes buildings, structures, parks, gardens and archaeological sites of local historic importance. Applications for Planning Permission that affect Locally Listed sites must take into account the special historic interest of the site. For more information or to nominate an addition to the Local List contact the Historic Environment Service on 01902 556026.

Do I need Listed Buildings Consent?

If you wish to alter or extend a statutorily Listed Building in a manner which would affect its character as a building of special architectural or historic interest or carry out any demolition works, you will need to apply for Listed Building Consent. This applies to internal as well as external works and also can apply to other structures which are part of the property such a boundary walls and outbuildings.

Apply online for Listed Buildings Consent(link is external)

Apply by post

Download forms from the Planning Portal or obtain paper copies from the Council. You can also hand in your completed application to the reception located on the ground floor of the Civic Centre.


There is no fee for an application for Listed Building Consent.

Planning permission

The development that you propose may require planning permission.

If the listed building is a dwellinghouse you can use the Planning Portal's interactive guidance for householders(link is external) to find out if you need to apply for planning permission.

Contact us

If you are still unsure about whether you need to apply for planning permission, contact the planning department.

Is my property in a conservation area?

Currently, there are 31 conservation areas in the city. View these on an online map(link is external).

When making decisions on planning applications in conservation areas the Council must ensure the proposals will preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the conservation area. If your property is in a conservation area you will have less permitted development rights than normal and even less so in those areas where there is an Article 4 Direction. See below for a list of conservation areas containing Article 4 Directions. Demolitions and works to trees in conservation areas also require consent from the council.

The table below contains a list of conservation areas in the city. You can find appraisal documents underneath the table. These can be quite large files and may not be appropriate to download on a tablet or mobile phone. You can request a paper copy by contacting the Historic Environment Service.

You can find Appraisals in the Downloads section

Name of areaBrief descriptionAppraisalArticle 4 direction
Bantock HouseIncludes Bantock House (18th-century farmhouse modernised in the 19th century) and now open as a museum, the adjoining gardens and nearby Victorian villas.NoNo
Tettenhall GreensOld settlement of Saxon origin centred around two village greens. Developed from the later 18thcentury as a genteel residential area containing many fine Georgian and large Victorian houses.Contact usYes
Chapel AshArea of 19th-century development fronting one of the main radial routes leading from the city centre.YesNo
St John's SquareRemains of formal Georgian residential square with Grade II* St John's Church and churchyard at the centre. Includes later Victorian Roman Catholic church and terrace of late 18th century shops on Snow Hill.NoNo
St Philips
(Penn Fields)
St Philip's church (1858) and adjoining vicarage, graveyard and group of semi-detached houses.YesYes
Wolverhampton LocksNarrow corridor following 1770s Birmingham Canal between Aldersley and the city centre.YesNo
Staffs & Worcs. & Shropshire Union CanalLinear area based on later 18th-century canal.NoNo
Tettenhall WoodEarly 19th-century settlement comprising modest village centre and large houses in grounds.YesYes
Ash HillGroup of late 19th and early 20th century houses in extensive grounds.NoNo
Wolverhampton City CentreCity commercial and administrative centre based on historic core dating back to the early medieval period.YesYes
Penn FieldsGroup of largely late 19th century houses in a range of styles and sizes developed before the major expansion of the town in the 20th century.YesYes
Union MillIndustrial area based around the canal and railway infrastructure.YesNo
Old Hall StreetA key group of educational/public buildings in the city centre built at the start of the 20th century on the site of the Old Hall (archaeological site).NoNo
WednesfieldOld village centre around 18th-century church and green. Now a modern shopping centre.NoNo
Worcester StreetMid 19th century retail area in the city centre.NoNo
Bilston Canal CorridorThe conservation area runs from the eastern fringes of Wolverhampton City Centre to Deepfields.Yes 
Cleveland RoadEdge of city centre area developed in the late 19th / early 20th century. Contains the Royal Hospital (vacant) and former Forder & Co works amongst others.NoNo
Bushbury HillIncludes old village centre of Bushbury, Northycote Farm (16th century & later) and green open space between.YesNo
Penn Road (Graiseley)Area focussed on the Royal Wolverhampton School and grounds (former orphanage, Grade II listed).Contact usNo
ParkA Victorian suburb of large villas focussed on fine 1880s municipal park (Registered Park grade II).YesYes
Cedar WayAttractive group of three 1940s detached cottages built in the grounds of a large inter-war house.Contact usNo
Castlecroft Gardens1930s development comprising 33 houses constructed using reclaimed timbers. An early experiment in town planning. Also eight pairs of semi-detached houses built by Hutchinson Smith in the 1920s.YesYes
Wightwick BankCentred on Wightwick Manor (Grade I) and grounds and adjoining development of large houses in grounds.YesNo
Vicarage Road, PennEarly village centre on rural fringe includes fine Grade II* listed Penn Hall. Vicarage Road is lined with modest houses of mixed age and style.YesYes
Bilston Town CentrePart of town centre focussed on an early 19th-century church. Largely late 18th and 19thcentury buildings in retail use.YesYes
The WoodlandsCentred on large 1890s Arts & Crafts house in own grounds. Includes a group of earlier (possibly 17th century) cottages.NoNo
Copthorne RoadArea of middle-class housing developed in the later 19th and early 20th centuries.Contact usYes
Fellows Street (Blakenhall)Terrace of modest well preserved early 20thcentury terraced houses and associated recreation ground located in inner urban area.Contact usYes
Springfield BreweryArea based on an extensive 19th-century brewery.Contact usNo
The Oaks
(Merridale Road)
Area based on three distinct groups of buildings of the early 19th to mid 20th century, including The Oaks and the former Wolverhampton and Midland Counties Eye Infirmary.YesYes
Tettenhall RoadLinear conservation area along the main trunk road, lined by substantial high-quality villas and imposing terraces of townhouses. (19th and early 20th century)YesYes
Archaeology and Historic Environment Record

The Wolverhampton Historic Environment Record (HER) is managed by the City Archaeologist and contains information about archaeology, historic buildings and other heritage assets and historic areas in the city.

Information on the HER can be accessed via the following links:

Consultants requiring specialist searches should contact the City Archaeologist on 01902 555493 or email There is a charge for this service.