Information explaining our policy for links to and from this website.

Links from this website

We include links from our website to other websites which we think will support your understanding of the topics covered.

These links are not in special "links pages" but are at relevant places throughout the site.

Many of the links from our site lead to sites maintained by other organisations or individuals.

These links are provided for your convenience. They do not imply that the council endorses or supports those organisations, the content of their pages, or their products or services in any way. No responsibility is assumed by the council for the contents of their pages.

The council will not be able to deal with any queries arising from these external websites - please contact the provider of the website.

Broken links

The links may not always work, although we do check them regularly. If your browser reports that it cannot contact the site, there is probably a fault at the website and it may be worth trying again later. However, if you receive a "Document Not Found" (error 404) message, our link is wrong - please inform our contact   so that we can correct it.

If you would like us to link to your site, or another site you find useful, contact  with the URL and it will be considered. Please suggest where in our site you think the link should be from.

Links to this Site

You are welcome to make a link to any page on our site if you think it is useful.

However, please do not copy any text or graphics from our pages onto your own, or include any graphics on our site within your pages, without contacting our Webmaster for permission.

In particular, if you want to use the Wolverhampton coat of arms, formal approval from councillors is required.