Apply for a Child Performance Licence

There are special licensing requirements for children who perform and in many cases children should not take part in performances except under the authority of a licence granted by the local authority in whose area the child resides.

Please give 21 days notice before a performance is to start. We only licence children who live within Wolverhampton.

You can find comprehensive information about children in entertainment by visiting

You can download a Child Performance and Activities Licence application form from the Downloads section.


The law states that when performing, children should be supervised by their own parent or a registered chaperone. Please give 3 months notice before you require your licence. We only licence people who live within Wolverhampton.

You can download an application form to register as a chaperone from the Downloads section.

Children and part-time work

The Local Authority has a statutory duty to regulate, supervise and enforce legislation for all aspects of the employment of children of school age.

Many children work part-time. It can be a helpful source of extra money and good preparation for the future, but many jobs are illegal without a permit from the Local Authority.

You can download a Child Employment Permit from the Downloads section.

A notification should be sent to the Local Authority within 7 days of the employment commencing. You will need to apply to the Local Authority where the employment is taking place.

To check which Local Authority a post-code falls under please check:

To speak to someone in Wolverhampton regarding Children in Employment and Entertainment contact: