If you are a victim of or witness to a hate crime it's important that you report it. If the incident is serious please report it to the police on 0845 113 5000 or in an emergency dial 999.

What you should report

  • write down the date, time and location of the incident
  • write down everything you can remember about what you saw and heard during an incident
  • if you are the victim make sure you get the names, addresses of any witnesses
  • record as much detail as possible about the offender and any vehicle they might have used

Who you should report to

Report a Hate Crime online

Against Council employees

An employee who encounters racism at work can report it to their Service Group Human Resource Manager and or your trade union.

If an employee is racist towards a customer or a member of the general public whilst on duty, then that customer or member of the public can complain online or report it on 01902 551155.

Make a complaint online

Against Tenants of Wolverhampton Homes 

If you are a tenant of Wolverhampton Homes and are experiencing racism, you can report it on 01902 554765 or 01902 551046. They will take action against people who breach their tenancy agreements under the Housing Act 1996.

Wolverhampton Homes does not tolerate any form of harassment by its tenants.

Against Schools

Local education authorities have their own policy and use a different form to record and tackle all cases of racial harassment in schools. For additional support and advice please contact 01902 555230 or 01902 555238.