For information on the 2 May 2024 elections, please visit Elections 2024.

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Council Leadership
Cllr Simkins
Cllr Stephen Simkins
Tim Johnson, Chief Executive of the City of Wolverhampton Council
Tim Johnson

Tim is Chief Executive of the City of Wolverhampton Council having been appointed to the role in July 2018.

Tim is an experienced strategic local government director, specialising in place shaping, organisational change management and community regeneration. He has a proven track record of developing and delivering complex, innovative projects and programmes and has overseen a regeneration programme which has £3.7 billion of public and private investment either on-site or planned in the city.


Cllr Dr Michael Hardacre

Wolverhampton's first Mayor, G. B. Thorneycroft, was elected in 1848 and the current Mayor, Councillor Dr Michael Hardacre, is the 164th Mayor of Wolverhampton.

The Mayor is the First Citizen in the City and the Office of Mayor is the highest honour the local authority can give an elected Councillor.