The Returning Officer will be holding a briefing session on Wednesday 29 May at 5.30pm for prospective candidates and agents for the UK Parliamentary election 2024.

The briefing will be held on Microsoft Teams. It is expected that the briefing will last 1.5 hours. The aim of the session is to provide an overview of election processes and general information relating to the UK Parliamentary election for the following constituencies: Wolverhampton North East, Wolverhampton South East and Wolverhampton West. The Returning Officer, Tim Johnson, the Chief Operating Officer, David Pattison and the Electoral Services team will be on hand to answer any questions or queries you may have.

Please circulate details of this briefing session to any prospective candidates (or their agents) who may want to stand in the UK Parliamentary General Election for the Wolverhampton constituencies, and ask them to email if they would like to attend the briefing. Candidates and agent’s guidance, register request forms and absent voters list request forms will be emailed to all attendees after the event, and are available to download in the downloads section.

Further guidance on standing for election can be found on the Electoral Commission website.

If you are unable to attend the briefing but would like to obtain any of the above documents, please contact Electoral Services to request this from Thursday 30 May by emailing or calling 01902 555050.

Candidates and agents are encouraged to contact the elections team to book an appointment to hand in nomination papers on weekdays between 10am-4pm from Tuesday 4 June – Friday 7 June Appointments can be booked by emailing or calling 01902 555050.