Information for current, new and potential businesses within Wolverhampton.

We’re determined to keep Wolverhampton’s business community vibrant and resilient by working with our local businesses and their employees, those who are self-employed, and those looking to start a business.

Here you will find support and guidance if you want to:

  • Grow your business
  • Start a new business
  • Recruit staff
  • Find business property
  • Get support with procurement processes and opportunities
  • Develop new products and services
  • Find networking opportunities
  • and much more!

If you have a specific enquiry please use the contact form at the bottom of this page. For general information on support available please see the tabs below.

We are also seeking your views to develop the City of Wolverhampton Council’s future economic strategy. Please see the tab below to read the draft strategy and to make your comments and views known.

employer support logos
Award winning Business Support
Wolverhampton Employer Support - Award winning Business Support

City of Wolverhampton Council has just been awarded a prestigious ‘best in the region’ award for its support for the local small business community. 
Wolverhampton was among 250 councils in England who entered the inaugural England-wide Local Government awards run by Britain’s biggest business representation group, Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), and it emerged triumphant in the Future Ready regional category. 
Local authorities from all across England responded to the call when FSB launched their inaugural Local Government awards, sponsored by Maybe*, which were aimed at celebrating and recognising those that had made the biggest impact on local SMEs during the Covid crisis and beyond. And Wolverhampton was named as the West Midlands regional champion winners with judges being impressed by the council’s work to help the local small business community by putting in place a series of measures aimed at helping small businesses to survive, revive and thrive after arguably the toughest two and half years of trading.  
 Richard Lawrence, Director of Regeneration, said:

"Our Relight Business Programme has supported around 200 sole traders, micro and small businesses. Following our work delivering the Covid grant support programme, we wanted to give local businesses the tools and knowledge to build resilience during the pandemic and grow as the economy opened back up. We did this by running a series of webinars, funded FSB and Chamber membership, carrying out financial and digital reviews as well as business diagnostics, and providing access to a grant to implement recommendations from the reviews. Supporting fantastic local businesses in our city is one of our key priorities as a council and we will continue to do this through projects like our Relight Business Programme."

FSB Development Manager for Staffordshire and the West Midlands, Karen Woolley said:

"It is really pleasing to see the City of Wolverhampton Council rewarded for its hard work and effort to help local SMEs through what has been a very challenging couple of years.  Both the quality and quantity of entries from this region and beyond was incredibly high so Wolverhampton should feel very proud to be among the winners. We look forward to continuing to work with them - and all our other business-supporting councils - to ensure we have a vibrant and strong local SME community."

Business support – established businesses

The Government website provides a search facility allowing you to identify current support most appropriate to your needs. You can search against business stage, sector, number of employees, and nature of support be it advice, grant, loan or equity.

Business Growth West Midlands, of which the City Council is a partner, provides a front door for accessing business support as well as a comprehensive search facility Business Support for business support programmes available to Wolverhampton businesses

For more general advice and information can be found at GOV.UK Business and Self Employed.


Digital Boost - It can be challenging and lonely to start or run a business, but it doesn’t have to be. This programme can connect you with volunteer experts in strategy, marketing, digital, finance and more for unlimited 1:1 or small-group business mentoring. If you work or lead an organisation with less than 250 employees, you can access resources, advice and information to help your business reach its potential online. The programme pairs small businesses with digital experts from the likes of Google and BT – to equip you with the essential skills to bring, or grow, your organisation online.

Made Smarter

Made Smarter was formed following a nationwide review into UK manufacturing that recommended three key changes: More ambitious leadership; More innovation in developing new technologies;. And faster implementation and adoption of those technologies. The aim is to boost the digital skills of industry leaders, bringing businesses and research development together to develop new technology, and helping makers embrace new digital tools.

Who is Made Smarter for?

  • Manufacturing leaders considering how to accelerate their growth.
  • Employees looking to upskill.
  • Graduates looking to apply their skills.
  • Technology providers wanting to support digital tech integration or development.

To find out more and to register to get more support go to

Employment and Skills

These continue to be challenging times for us all, however we are committed to continuing to provide the best support we can to businesses and jobseekers. We are here to help you plan your current and future workforce needs as you navigate the current  economic difficulties. Wolves at Work business services are ready and available to offer support to businesses looking for assistance on the following:

  • Recruitment - we can advertise and promote your vacancies and assist with sourcing new talent through the highly successful Wolves at Work project
  • Redundancy support
  • Advice on upskilling your workforce to meet future business needs
  • Useful connections to further business support

Please don’t hesitate to contact us for recruitment or workforce support:


There is a broad offer of support from the main High Street banks as well as loan and equity support from specialist providers:

International Trade

Invest in the UK - Made in the UK and sold to the World here you can find advice and information on beginning to export, developing your export potential, finding the right export markets, making an export plan. Online and phone support available, as well as 1-2-1 meetings. Over 280 market guides available and for further information contact DIT West Midlands – 020 4534 3667.

Low Carbon

ENTRESS 2 - This is a programme delivered by the University of Wolverhampton supporting SMEs with the adoption of environmental technologies and resource efficiency processes to improve business competitiveness. It provides 2 days free support to enhance the business knowledge linked to the areas of sustainability and the circular economy.

GREEN ADVANTAGE - A short course programme designed for business leaders, managers and professionals who want to consider the implications of climate and environmental challenges for their business or workplace alongside maintaining business performance and profitability.  This course will give you the information and skillset to understand environmental sustainability in your business context.

UK Business Climate Hub - The UK government has partnered with business owners and respected climate groups to help businesses cut carbon emissions and protect the planet. Whatever size your business or industry you’re in, your commitment could make a real difference – to your business, to your customers, to your community, to the planet – and to your energy bills!
That’s why the UK government has created the UK Business Climate Hub, a campaign that asks UK small businesses of up to 250 employees to join the fight against climate change by committing to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. We all want to create a better planet, but it can be hard to know where to start. Through this commitment, join other businesses, get tips, make a plan, and be confident that you are really making a difference to the planet and to your business.

Management Development 

Be the Business Mentoring Programme - A mentoring support programme that can focus across the business or on specifics such as digital, leadership, workforce, sales or growth. This can be run as a 12 week or a 12-month programme and to be eligible a business must have been trading for at least a year with at least 3 FT employees. The website also hosts useful templates and guides for managing and growing a business

Help to Grow Management Course - This management training programme gives access to 12-weeks of learning designed to fit alongside work commitments; helps you develop a bespoke business growth plan to help your business reach its full potential; provides 1:1 support from a business mentor; and helps you learn from peers and network with businesses just like yours. The programme is 90% funded by the government so a business only pays £750


Manufacturing Growth Programme - A dedicated, experienced, Manufacturing Growth Manager will provide on-going support, and can help identify opportunities and create plans for growth and improvement. It also provides a comprehensive business diagnostic tool specifically designed for manufacturers – GROWTHmapper

Made Smarter West Midlands - has launched a £1.9 million digital adoption push to drive growth in West Midlands manufacturing and engineering SMEs and help them boost productivity. Digital experts will provide advice to manufacturing businesses on how to switch to advanced and automated technologies as well as working to improve employees’ overall digital skills.

Product and Service Development

Innovate UK EDGE - A mentoring support programme that can focus across the business or on specifics such as digital, leadership, workforce, sales or growth. This can be run as a 12 week or a 12-month programme and to be eligible a business must have been trading for at least a year with at least 3 FT employees. The website also hosts useful templates for managing and growing a business including technology strategy, inclusive workforce, streamlined sales process, online competitor analysis, and managing risk; as well as guides on subjects including boosting employee motivation without increasing salaries, keeping cashflow forecasts up to date, improving staff onboarding, and top tips for good management

Innovation Competitions - These offer grants of between £25,000 and £10 million, and innovation loans of between £100,000 and £1 million. (Innovation loans only for UK-based SMEs to carry out late-stage research and development projects)

Advice & Guidance
Employment and Workforce Development

These continue to be challenging times for us all, however we are committed to continuing to provide the best support we can to businesses and jobseekers. We are here to help you plan your current and future workforce needs as you navigate the current  economic difficulties.

Wolves at Work business services are ready and available to offer support to businesses looking for assistance on the following:

  • Recruitment - we can advertise and promote your vacancies and assist with sourcing new talent through the highly successful Wolves at Work project
  • Redundancy support
  • Advice on upskilling your workforce to meet future business needs
  • Useful connections to further business support

Please don’t hesitate to contact us for recruitment or workforce support:

Or call the Business Support line: 01902 290242 between 9am and 5pm from Monday to Thursday or from 9am to 4.30pm on Fridays

Useful links

There are several useful websites to further explain the support available to businesses and their employees:

Useful links

Black Country-specific advice and support for businesses is available through the Black Country Growth Hub.

The Federation of Small Businesses has also published guidance on what you can do to protect your business and employees.

The Black Country Chamber of Commerce have also published a number of interpretative and advice documents on the Government support schemes.

Guidance for food businesses reopening and adapting their businesses during COVID-19 can be found on the Trade with Confidence website.

The University of Wolverhampton Business School has a range of courses for managers and a dedicated COVID-19 Business Support Hub.


The Art of Persuasion - Learn the Psychology Behind The Sale

Date: Tuesday 4th June 2024 13:00 - 14:30


Are you ready to unlock the secrets of persuasion and take your sales game to the next level? Join us for "The Art of Persuasion" webinar, specifically designed for businesses in the West Midlands region. We'll explore the science of persuasion and how to use it effectively in your sales conversations.
There are over three million active podcasts available to listen to worldwide. Although it sounds a large number, it’s still nowhere near as competitive a space as the Internet or social media for being discovered.

Podcasting for Business: Unlocking Opportunities for West Midlands SMEs

Date: Thursday 13th June 2024  14:00 - 15:30


Podcasting is a popular format for the sharing of ideas and concepts, of diving deep into interesting topics and building audiences of loyal fans, interested in the subject matter. Businesses can take advantage of the changing ways audiences access content by demonstrating their knowledge and expertise while creating an opportunity for those audiences to connect to them.

In this webinar, you’ll learn why a business should consider podcasting and the strategies needed to successfully produce and launch a podcast.

Innovate UK Business Growth – Who we are and what we do

Date: Friday 14th June 09:00 - 10:30
Venue: Technology Centre Wolverhampton Science Park


This event is designed to introduce you the Innovate UK mission to drive growth, its strategic priorities, and the various opportunities they offer to support innovation in businesses of all sizes. You will learn about their funding programs, how they collaborate with industry and academia, and the resources available to help your ideas reach their full potential. A great opportunity to hear first hand about the support available, connect with Innovate UK advisors, and network with colleagues.

Investment Readiness: Access to Finance Advice Workshop

Date: Wednesday 19th June 2024, 09:30 - 13:00
Venue: GTG Training & Conference Centre, Bearing Drive, Wolverhampton WV11 3SZ


This interactive taster session will give an overview of the funding options available to businesses and help to demystify the world of funding your business including:

  • Debt finance & understanding interest rates
  • Alternative Finance
  • Grant funding – is it free?
  • Crowdfunding – reward, social and equity
  • Angel Investment & Venture Capital – when is it right for you?
  • The importance of creating a Pitch Deck or a Business Plan
  • Financial forecasting and why it’s the narrative you need

Further Workshops and webinars can be found at the Business Growth West Midlands site.

Innovate UK Business Growth

What do we mean by innovation, how can your business be more innovative, what difference does an innovative mindset make, what support and funding is available? To answer these questions and more, the city council have partnered up with Innovate Business Growth to deliver a programme of 8 local workshops and drop-in sessions.

Details of the first two sessions which are being held at Wolverhampton Science Park are below

Introduction to Innovate UK Business Growth – Who are we and what do we offer?

Date: Friday 14th June 9.00am - 10.30am
Venue: Wolverhampton Science Park

Book a place

The Innovation Journey – How to create a road map for your innovation journey and the things to consider

Date: Friday 5th July 9.00am - 10.30am
Venue: Wolverhampton Science Park

Book a place

These workshops start with refreshments and a breakfast bap and conclude with an opportunity for a follow-on 121 session that morning with an Innovate UK advisor, or can be booked for a later date.

Here you can get an insight of the support available from Innovate UK Business Growth.

Future sessions will cover IP, finance, mindset, growth, brand identity and investment readiness.              


Case Studies

Over the past 12 months we have worked with hundreds of local companies providing direct support, advice information and guidance. Here are some of those that we have supported through a capital grant on the UKSPF Grant Programme.

Ludlow Tavern Springhill

Ludlow Tavern Springhill

Built in 1938 of wood, tile and wood cladding; and formerly a Harvester Restaurant, the ‘Ludlow Tavern Springhill’ of today began trading in 2005. It now serves hot and chilled drinks (non-alcoholic and alcoholic) to the public and has a restaurant preparing and serving fresh seasonal food sourced from local suppliers, specializing in serving contemporary British home-cooked meals, with a focus on fresh seafood. As a pivotal establishment for the local community, they provide affordable, high-quality dining experiences in a welcoming setting. Remarkably, the majority of their original staff have remained, with many team members collaborating for over two decades.

Chris Ludlow, owner of the Ludlow tavern, commented, “The business was doing well but I was aware that that the boiler was at an age where it was becoming less efficient resulting in significant energy costs. The opportunity then arose to get a free and comprehensive energy assessment via the Business Growth West Midlands Net Zero Grant Programme. The Assessment was carried our very professionally by Pro Enviro, and they agreed that the review would focus on the potential energy and carbon savings associated with upgrading the boiler as well as installing a solar PV system, and free cooling for the stock stored in the cellar”.

Once the Energy Assessment was complete Chris worked with one of the Business Development Officers at the City Council to complete a UKSPF Grant Application. The application focused on the purchase and installation of solar panels as they could not just significantly enhance resource efficiency by reducing energy costs, but provide a renewable energy source, promote energy independence, and align with the company’s environmental stewardship goals.

The securing of the NET ZERO grant enabled Ludlow Taverns to invest in the solar panels, leading to a significant reduction in monthly overheads and fixed costs, ultimately boosting profitability and the company's competitiveness. The projected first-year savings from onsite energy generation are estimated to be 21,593 kWh / £14,055, with a total projection, including energy export, of £14,611. The calculated payback period is 2.6 years, and a projected full cash flow of £240,000 is expected by the 20th year. 

Chris added, “I believe this investment demonstrates the company's commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, signaling a strong dedication to customers, staff, and stakeholders. Additionally, the cost savings could be reinvested to enhance the skills of current staff, securing their positions within the company”.

In total Ludlow Taverns invested £24,000 in the solar panels and secured a 50% grant towards the cost.

Lilliput UK Ltd

Based in Zhangzhou, China, LILLIPUT is a globalized Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and Original Design Manufacturer (ODM) specialising in the research and application of electronic and computer-related technologies.  It has been involved in the design, manufacturing, marketing, and delivery of electronic products across the world since 1993. 

Incorporated on 5 March 1997 Lilliput UK Ltd, based in Wolverhampton’s Science Park, is the official European distributor of LILLIPUT monitors.  Lilliput UK Ltd specialises in touch screen monitors, ranging from 5" monitors to 10" monitors, VGA, HDMI, SDI, DVI, USB, composite video and field monitors, panel, and in-car PCs.

LILLIPUT products such as special display devices, camera and broadcasting monitors, touch VGA/HDMI monitors for industrial application, marine and medical monitors, embedded computer platforms, home automation devices and other specialist LCD displays are imported from China and distributed by Lilliput UK Ltd throughout Europe.  The company also combines some of the LILLIPUT products with bespoke metalwork to offer customised open frame monitors.  

Recently the company has been collaborating on the invention of a new medical device that attaches to a patient's foot or leg and uses Artificial Intelligence and magnetic sensors to measure the muscle tension and strength of a limb or joint.  The device then relays this information electronically to a physician at another location without the need for the patient to be physically seen or assessed.  It is designed to be used at home by elderly patients with mobility issues or any patient recovering from an injury and will enable recovery and mobility to be monitored remotely without the patient needing to attend appointments.  

This would be a new product for the company and market research done by the company has shown that this device would also be new to the market. Research done by the company has shown that there is currently no fully automated device on the market that can monitor these kinds of conditions and injuries.

In order that the company could develop a prototype they made a successful  application for a UKSPF SME grant to the City of Wolverhampton City Council so they could purchase a state-of-the-art 4-axis 3D printing and laser-cutting machine. They secured a maximum grant of £15,000 toward the total costs £33,599 and the City Council will now continue to work closely with the company as the develop a prototype of the medical device being produced by the middle of 2024, and it is hoped that the device could be taken to market towards the end of 2025. Importantly the investment in the 3D printing and laser-cutting machine will enable the company to directly manufacture its own bespoke metalwork for its range of open frame monitors and thus bring this supply chain in-house.  

The company expects to create one job initially as an operator for the 3D printing machine, a further 3-4 jobs could be created within the first year of taking the new medical device to market and it is projected that turnover could increase by as much as 50% once the product is established in the market. 

JH Marshall

JH Marshall

JH Marshall Pressings is a family run business first established in 1929, with over 90 years’ experience in metal press work operating in Wolverhampton. 

They offer extensive expertise to customers in helping create cost-effective tooling for new projects, specialising in metal pressings using a range of ferrous and nonferrous including mild, stainless, galvanised steel, as well as aluminum, copper and brass. With full range of 18 power presses they complete various fabrication work including punching, cutting, cropping, blanking, forming, compound and deep drawing. Their diverse customer base includes, but isn’t limited to construction, agriculture, trade and the rapidly expanding rail sector. 

The company established a relationship with the Business Growth team at Wolverhampton City Council early in 2022 attending workshops and then securing capital grant support. Over the past couple of years the company have focused investment on a number of projects to reduce their energy costs and their carbon footprint. These have included the installation of LED lighting, purchasing an electric forklift truck, and moving to a variable speed compressor.

Following discussions with Wolverhampton City Council toward the end of 2023 the business registered for a free Energy Assessment through Pro Enviro as part of the regional Decarbonisation Programme. The Energy Assessment report analysed energy use and source, and concluded that the business could achieve annual financial savings of over £3,775 a year and over 4.7 tonnes of CO2e by implementing one the key recommendations of installing the solar Panels.

Hayley Marshall one of the Directors at J H Marshall's, explained", “Once we had the Energy Assessment completed we worked with the Business Growth team at Wolverhampton Council to successfully secure a 50% grant towards the cost of the solar panels. This green investment will help keep the business on track to become carbon neutral by the end of 2027, and specifically reduce annual carbon emissions by over 30%. The investment of the Solar Panel installation will also reduce energy consumption by over 50% on average per month across each year and in the brighter, warmer summer months reduce the monthly electricity bill by up to 75%”.

The ProEnviro report also suggested that in the future the business invests in a duct to allow warm air from the compressor into the workshop during autumn and winter months. In summary, implementing these two recommendations could reduce energy costs & reduce annual carbon emissions by 38%.

Hayley believes this will demonstrate to clients, new and old and other stakeholders that JH Marshall's are commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and for the business they would be able to re-direct this cost saving into further up-skilling current staff, as well as potentially leading to up to 2 more full-time staff roles in the next 18 months.

The solar panel investment will allow them to cut energy costs further by installing smart meters, export electric meters and inverters, advanced devices that measures the amount of energy used or not used by the business and sends this information to the energy supplier, the business can then export back to the grid which should help to lower bills and assist their energy efficiency efforts.

Hayley added, “The use of solar panels to generate electricity is becoming increasingly popular, and with good reason. Along with reducing energy bills and being environmentally friendly, the technology has become more affordable and accessible to all businesses. The investment will significantly reduce our monthly overhead costs, a real concern within the UK’s manufacturing sector, allowing us to compete in the international market place. The support of the City Council and Pro-Enviro has been invaluable”.

Business Support - Start Up Businesses

Start Up Business Wolverhampton

The Black Country Chamber of Commerce is now providing services for start up businesses on behalf of City of Wolverhampton Council as part of the local authority’s drive to build the city economy. With funding from the Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund the start-up programme, which will run until March 2025, they provide support enabling Wolverhampton residents to engage and access skills to create the foundations for their business to prepare, start and ensure its survival.

Further details can be found here: Start Up Business Wolverhampton - Black Country Chamber of Commerce

Under the Council’s ‘Our City Our Plan’ strategy, the Chamber of Commerce team will offer local start ups in the early stages of development a suite of activity to help them start up, scale up and thrive. To speak to the Chamber team about signing up for the programme, call 0330 024 0820 or email:

Ignite Business Workspace and Start Up Centre

IGNITE (Innovate, Grow, Navigate, Ideas, Technology, Entrepreneurship) is a FREE to use business workspace and start-up centre to help encourage co-working. Located in ground floor units 3 and 4 of the i10 office and retail complex at the heart of Wolverhampton city centre’s transport Interchange, IGNITE provides entrepreneurs, business start-ups, established growing SMEs, students and graduates with FREE bookable workspaces, resources and business support. For more information see here.


A wealth of business start-up advice and guidance is available via the Government website.

For sector, trade and activity specific business plan examples please visit Bplans - Sample Business Plans. Here you will find over 500 examples, along with other useful start up information.
The Princes Trust is also a good source and has useful information on typical business plan templates.
If you are looking for loan support the British Business Bank website also has useful templates for managing the start-up phase of a business including in particular the managing the cashflow element which is key to any business start up.
There is also Enterprise Nation which has useful information.
Expert support for small businesses in the UK | Enterprise Nation
The banks are also a useful source of information with the following available for the High Street Banks:

To help raise awareness of your business, build useful business contacts, and potential customers and suppliers it is probably beneficial to factor in time to attend networking events. Whilst some of these are chargeable many are free, and a good source for finding details of these is Eventbrite.

This allows you to identify all types of events by theme, location and date - and most of the business support workshops the City Council run are advertised there.
The Federation of Small Businesses and the Black Country Chamber also run networking and business support events, have a range of information on their websites, and whilst being membership organisations there is some information and events available to non members

City of Wolverhampton Council – Good Growth Strategy consultation

We are seeking your views to develop the City of Wolverhampton Council’s future economic strategy.  

The strategy outlines the Council’s proposed approach to economic development and how we will work alongside our partners to support the local economy to grow. Our strategy is based on three interconnected themes and a central principle of ‘good growth’. 

This means achieving both the right quantity and the right quality of growth; creating a strong, productive and resilient economy where a radical uplift in business competitiveness, productivity and profits goes hand in hand with access to good jobs that pay higher wages, and where all residents have access to opportunity and enjoy improved quality of life. 

You can find a copy of the draft Good Growth Strategy consultation here.

Through this consultation we want to understand what your priorities are for the city’s economy.

Take part in the Consultation

Contact us

If you have a query please complete the form below and we will respond within 48 hours. Alternatively,  you can call one of our business support officers during normal office hours (weekdays 9pm-5pm) on 01902 555572.

Depending on the nature of your enquiry we will provide a response direct to you or will refer your business to the relevant organisation/s to help you. This help might be through a relevant workshop, a specialist website, or more in-depth over the phone or face to face support.

  • Current Start
  • Preview
  • Complete

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Customer name


Contact details

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Company details

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Which category of support does your enquiry fall into
Please tick no more than 3 boxes